
What you will learn
Why take this course?
🌟 【ひぐま流】データから根拠を見つけ、次のアクションに繋げる!Excelで学ぶビジネスデータ分析入門! 🌟
この講座は ビジネスデータ分析の入門講座 です。
- データを使い方がわからない
- データ分析に挑戦したいが、どこから手を付ければいいかわからない
- 分析しても、周囲を動かす提案や意思決定ができない
- 実践的な学習: 講義だけではなく、データを操作しながらの手腫から、お手元で実際に分析を行う総合演習を通じて、理論と実践の両方を体験いただきます。
- 専門知識へのアクセス: 数学や統計学的な知識があればあらゆ至ře、ありませんか?無くても大丈夫!専門的な知識が無い方でも、分析の考え方を意識することで多くのことが可能です。
- 現代への対応: DX(デジタルトランスフォーメーション)が進む中でも、「データ分析・活用」の重要性は高まっています。Excelという身近なツールで「データを活用して素早く意思決定する術」を学びませんか?
- 分析目的・方針の検討
- クロス集計・基本統計量・移動平均
- 箱ひげ図・ヒストグラム・ABC分析
- 散布図・相関係数
- 分析結果の解釈・表現
今すぐ登録して、データをもたらす力ならではのスキルを身に置いてみませんか? Let's make data-driven decisions a part of your everyday business intelligence! 📊🚀

Our review
Overall Course Rating: 3.95
Course Summary and Review
- The course significantly enhances the ability of business professionals to conduct data analysis with common tools like Excel, which is a valuable skill for career advancement.
- It provides understanding not only of data analysis techniques but also of the underlying concepts, which can be applied to various business scenarios.
- The material covers a range of applications that are relevant and easy to visualize for practical use in the workplace.
- The course is useful for those who do not regularly perform Excel-based data analysis and helps to clarify the necessity of choosing the right analytical methods.
- It serves as a fundamental knowledge base for anyone interested in understanding and applying data analysis, especially with numbers and records they commonly handle.
- The course's difficulty level may not be suitable for beginners or lower-level professionals, as indicated by the specific feedback from course takers.
- The early part of the course seems similar to other Excel statistics introductory courses but is followed by a challenging comprehensive exercise without prior step-by-step guided practice, causing potential frustration and higher dropout rates.
- Specifically, the "Subscript Sales Analysis" exercise requires a level of understanding and proficiency with Excel functions that may not be accessible to those who are not familiar with them, making it less recommended for novices or intermediate users.
- The course's pre-requisite guidance is somewhat unclear, as some participants found themselves struggling with functions they were expected to know, indicating a need for more precise and detailed requirements.
- The absence of example Excel files for both the exercise problems and the instructor's reference solutions is a significant drawback, as it makes it difficult for learners to refer back to the instructor's explanations when encountering difficulties in the exercises.
Key Takeaways:
- The course is highly recommended for those with some existing knowledge of Excel and data analysis, especially for individuals looking to solidify their understanding of statistical analysis and its applications in business decision-making.
- It is crucial that the course's difficulty adjustment be reconsidered to better accommodate a wider range of skill levels, particularly for beginners or those who lack advanced knowledge of Excel functions.
- The course would benefit from providing exercise files and solution examples from the instructor to aid in learning through problem-solving and reference.
Final Verdict: An informative and practical course on applying statistical analysis with Excel tailored for intermediate users and beyond, with a notable emphasis on real-world applications to various business scenarios. However, it requires attention to detail in terms of setting clear pre-requisites and improving the structure of the exercises for better learner support from the outset.


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