eBay Drop Shipping Guide with No Inventory - Work From Home

Learn exactly how to work from home purely selling and drop shipping on eBay. No up front inventory! Basic to Advanced!

4.14 (9510 reviews)
eBay Drop Shipping Guide with No Inventory - Work From Home
41 595
6.5 hours
Apr 2019
last update
regular price

What you will learn

Understand the core concepts of drop shipping

Start a drop shipping store within a few hours

Learn the formulas to making profits

Create systems for self sustainability

Earn money from your new skills

Why take this course?

¡Hola! Gracias por compartir una historia inspiradora y un testimonio tan motivador como el de Shaine Warren. Es emocionante ver cómo los cursos en plataformas como Udemy pueden cambiar la vida de personas, proporcionándoles la libertad y seguridad financiera que buscan.

Si estás interesado en este tipo de negocio y quisieras seguir los pasos del curso de David Vu para comenzar tu propia tienda en eBay utilizando el modelo de envío directo (Drop Shipping), aquí tienes un resumen de los puntos clave que mencionó:

  1. Configuración del Negocio: Aprenderás a configurar tu tienda en eBay y cómo optimizar las configuraciones correctas para el éxito.

  2. Entender Drop Shipping: Se te explicará lo que es el Drop Shipping y cómo se integra con una tienda en línea.

  3. Modelo de Negocio de Vida Lifestyle: Descubrirás cómo crear un negocio que se ajuste a tu estilo de vida y que pueda eventualmente requerir tan poco tiempo como 15 minutos al día.

  4. Recursos y guía: Accederás a una visión completa de la tienda, productos vendidos, eBay Back Office, fuentes de cómo y por qué se sourcen los productos, y cómo escalar tu negocio.

  5. Soporte Continuo: David Vu ofrece soporte a través de la plataforma Udemy y asegura que estarás en contacto con él y la comunidad de estudiantes para discusiones y asistencia adicional.

  6. Inversión Inicial: Aprenderás a comenzar con poca inversión inicial, lo cual es una ventaja significativa si estás buscando comenzar un negocio sin capital substantial.

  7. Profesionalismo y Práctica: Advertencias sobre la necesidad de dominar las habilidades antes de enseñarlas a otros y el compromiso requerido para mantener el negocio exitoso.

  8. Garantía de Satisfacción: Udemy ofrece una garantía de 30 días sin riesgos, y David Vu se compromete personalmente a devolver el dinero si consideras que no has obtenido valor some after this course.

  9. Compartir Tu Propia Historia: Al igual que Shaine Warren, te animo a compartir tu experiencia y los resultados que alcances al seguir este curso.

Recuerda que, como cualquier negocio, este requiere trabajo y dedicación iniciales para establecerlo y llevarlo a la rentabilidad. Sin embargo, una vez configurado y en marcha, puede ofrecerte un ingreso pasivo o semi-pasivo que te brinde la independencia financiera deseada.

Si tienes alguna pregunta específica o si hay algo más que te gustaría saber sobre el curso o el modelo de negocio, no dudes en preguntar. ¡Les deseo mucha suerte y éxito en tu emprendimiento!


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Our review

🏫 Course Overview: The course in question is designed to guide students through the process of setting up and running a dropshipping business on eBay. It covers a range of topics from finding products to sell, creating listings, and managing orders. The course also provides insights into marketing strategies and how to grow your business. The global course rating stands at 4.10, indicating a generally positive reception among recent reviewers.


  • Comprehensive Content: Many users found the course content to be thorough and detailed, with several expressing appreciation for the depth of knowledge shared by the instructor.
  • Real-World Application: Several reviews highlight that the strategies taught in the course are applicable beyond eBay, suggesting their usefulness in other online selling platforms.
  • Instructor Expertise: The instructor's experience and transparency about making money through various means were noted as significant strengths of the course.
  • Inspiration and Confidence: The course inspired students to take action and start their own businesses, with many reporting increased confidence after completing the course.
  • Positive Impact on Finances: At least one reviewer reported a successful sale within two weeks of applying what they learned from the course.
  • Engagement and Joy: The instructor's approachable teaching style was praised for its happiness and joy, making learning more enjoyable.


  • Outdated Content: A notable concern among recent reviews is that some of the material is outdated, particularly referencing policies or features from eBay that may have changed since the course was last updated (around 2016).
  • Policy Changes: Some users pointed out that eBay's current policies may not align with the strategies taught in the course, potentially leading to confusion or failure if not adapted accordingly.
  • Refund Issues: One user reported difficulty in receiving a refund after realizing the content was too basic for their needs, based on their viewing history.
  • Marketing Strategy Flaws: One extreme negative review suggested that the marketing strategies outlined in the course could lead to failure due to the assumption that customers in other countries are not internet-savvy and can be exploited with significant markups.

Course Evaluation Summary: Overall, the course has been positively received for its comprehensive content and expert guidance. However, potential students should be aware of the outdated nature of some content and consider how this might impact their learning experience and application of the strategies taught. Prospective learners should also verify eBay's current policies and market conditions before diving into dropshipping to ensure they are equipped with up-to-date information for success in today's online retail environment.

For those considering this course, it is recommended to look for recent reviews or updates from the instructor to ascertain if the content has been revised to reflect current practices and policies on eBay and other platforms.

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