Despliega Aplicaciones Django en APACHE2, NGINX, GUNICORN
Curso para Aprender a Realizar Deploy a Producción de app Python en un VPS profesionalmente

What you will learn
Despliegue Aplicaciones en Heroku
Despliegue de Aplicaciones en VPS Ubuntu + Apache + Git
Despliegue de Aplicaciones en VPS Ubuntu + Apache + Git + Gitlab CI/CD
Despliegue de Aplicaciones en VPS Ubuntu + Nginx + GUnicorn + Git
Despliegue de Aplicaciones en VPS Ubuntu + Nginx + GUnicorn + Git + GitLab CI/CD
Despliegue Contínuo (Continuous Deployment) de GitLab
Integración Contínua (Continuos Integration) de GitLab
Instalar PostgreSQL en Linux
Instalar y configurar Servidores Web en Linux (Apache2 y Nginx)
Why take this course?
🎉 Curso para Aprender a Realizar Deploy a Producción de app Python en un VPS profesional 🎓
¿Listo para llevar tus proyectos Django (y Flask) al siguiente nivel? 🚀
Bienvenido al Curso de Despliegue Profesional!
Aquí, aprenderás a desplegar aplicaciones Django (o Flask) en diferentes entornos de producción, asegurando que tu código esté listo para el mundo real. 🌐
¿Qué es el Despliegue en Producción?
El desarrollo de una aplicación es un hito crucial, pero una vez completada, necesitas llevarla al ambiente de producción. Esto implica que tu aplicación esté disponible para usuarios reales y funcione con la máxima eficiencia y seguridad. 🏗️✨
Triada del Despliegue Web en Python:
Cuando implementas una aplicación web con Python, la estructura típica incluye:
- Servidor Web: Ejemplos: Nginx, Apache.
- Servidor de Aplicaciones WSGI: Ejemplos: Gunicorn, uWSGI, mod_wsgi, Waitress.
- Aplicación Web: Ejemplos: Django, Flask, Pyramid, FastAPI.
Estructura del Curso:
El curso se dividirá en 6 secciones, comenzando con la configuración inicial y progresando hasta el despliegue automatizado:
- Configuraciones Iniciales: Un proyecto de ejemplo para establecer las bases del despliegue.
- Despliegue en Heroku.
- Linux + Apache2 + Git.
- Linux + Apache2 + Git + GitLab CI/CD (Automatización).
- Linux + Apache2 + Git + NGINX + GUNicorn.
- Linux + Apache2 + Git + NGINX + GUNicorn + GitLab CI/CD (Automatización).
Paso a Paso del Despliegue:
Te guiaré detalladamente en cada sección, desde el primer clic hasta la configuración completa y automatizada de tu despliegue. 📚➡️💻
Herramientas Adicionales:
Te enseñaré cómo instalar y configurar las herramientas necesarias, como un servidor de base de datos con PostgreSQL, y te mostraré dos maneras diferentes de implementarlas. 🛠️📈
¡No Espera Más!
Inscríbete ahora y comienza a hacer despliegues de tus aplicaciones Django (o Flask) en un VPS de manera profesional. Con mi experiencia compartida, ya llevo varios años lidiando despliegues, estarás listo para el mercado y la demanda de tus aplicaciones. 🎈
Sin más que hacer, ¡ate de lleno!
Al inscribirte en este curso, estarás un paso más cerca de transformar tu proyecto de desarrollo a una aplicación robusta y escalable lista para el mercado. Así que ¡prepárate para despegar! 🚀💫
¡Inscríbete YA!
Domina el arte del despliegue en producción y lanza tus aplicaciones con confianza. Tu viaje hacia la excelencia comienza aquí. 🎉✨

Our review
Overall Course Rating: 4.55 out of 5 stars
Course Review Summary
The online course in question has received overwhelmingly positive feedback from recent reviewers, with the majority highly recommending it for its comprehensive material and clear instruction. Below, we detail the pros and cons based on the course reviews:
Comprehensive Material: The content of the course is deemed "excellente" by many users, covering all aspects of deployment across various platforms in a way that is both practical and thorough.
Clear Explanation: The instructor is commended for their exceptional ability to explain steps clearly and effectively, which helps learners achieve their final goals. This has been particularly helpful for those looking to deploy their projects on servers.
High-Quality Instruction: The tutorials provided are of high quality, with the instructor's teaching methods being described as "clara y didáctica" (clear and pedagogical). The instructor also shows great willingness to answer questions and resolve doubts, which enhances the learning experience.
Course Structure: The course has been praised for its well-organized structure, allowing students to grasp complex topics with ease. It is noted that the course delves deeply into subjects and presents them in an accessible manner.
Recommendation for Additional Content: Some users advocate for updates to the course content to cover additional working environments such as Development, Testing, and Production, which would be a useful addition to keep the course relevant with evolving technologies.
Superficial Learning Approach: A few reviews mention that the course could be improved by offering a deeper dive into specific topics. Some learners felt the content was "superficial" and required additional tutoring to fully understand and implement the knowledge learned.
Personal Challenge with Project Deployment: One reviewer expressed that despite the excellent material, they were unable to deploy their projects due to their own limitations, suggesting that the course's practical applications may not meet everyone's needs without prior experience or additional support.
In summary, this course is highly regarded for its quality instruction, comprehensive coverage of deployment on various platforms, and the instructor's willingness to engage with students. While the course structure and content are already strong points, there is room for improvement, particularly in offering more advanced material for seasoned learners and adapting to a wider range of working environments. Overall, it is a very positive experience and one that is strongly recommended by many who have taken it.
Note to Future Learners: This course is an excellent resource for those looking to understand deployments on different platforms. It is particularly beneficial for those who are new to the concept of deployment as it provides clear, detailed instructions and guidance from a proficient instructor. For individuals with prior knowledge or more complex needs, it may be useful to explore additional resources or seek further individualized tutoring from the instructor post-course completion.


Enrollment distribution

Submit by | Date | Coupon Code | Discount | Emitted/Used | Status |
- | 20/12/2021 | NEW-DEPLOY-DJANGO-1 | 50% OFF | expired | |
- | 03/01/2022 | NEWYEAR-2022-1 | 50% OFF | expired | |
- | 29/06/2022 | JUNIO-2022-2 | 50% OFF | expired | |
- | 19/07/2022 | JULIO-2022.1 | 50% OFF | expired | |
- | 29/10/2022 | OCTUBRE-2022-2 | 50% OFF | expired | |
- | 03/11/2022 | OCTUBRE-2022-3 | 50% OFF | expired | |
- | 20/12/2022 | NAVIDAD-2022-1 | 50% OFF | expired | |
- | 19/05/2023 | 202305-1 | 82% OFF | expired | |
- | 03/09/2023 | 202308-3 | 82% OFF | expired | |
- | 03/10/2023 | 202309-3 | 82% OFF | expired | |
- | 01/11/2023 | 202310-3 | 82% OFF | expired | |
- | 23/01/2024 | 202401-1 | 89% OFF | expired | |
- | 05/05/2024 | 202404-3 | 83% OFF | expired | |
- | 22/05/2024 | 202405-1 | 83% OFF | expired |