DaVinci Resolve 17. Corso rapido di base per principianti

Corso per imparare ad usare subito DaVinci Resolve in modo rapido. Per principianti.

4.51 (37 reviews)
DaVinci Resolve 17. Corso rapido di base per principianti
2 hours
Mar 2021
last update
regular price

What you will learn

Usare DaVinci Resolve 17 in modo rapido

Le funzioni di base di DaVinci Resolve 17 senza perdersi in tecnicismi

Why take this course?

🚀 Corso per imparare ad usare DaVinci Resolve in modo rapido. Per principianti.

🎓 Cosa promette il Corso?

  • Comprensione immediata: In circa 2 ore di videolezioni, imparerai a montare video, aggiungere testi e transizioni, gestire l'audio, eseguire color grading avanzato e finalmente esportare il tuo capolavoro.
  • Interfaccia personalizzabile: Scopri come adattare l'interfaccia di DaVinci Resolve alle tue esigenze per un flusso di lavoro più efficiente.
  • Strumenti chiave: Focalizzi le principali funzioni di MEDIA, CUT, EDIT, FAIRLIGHT, COLOR e DELIVER, tutto in una sequenza logica e facile da seguire.

🌟 Instructor: Alessio Furlan

  • Chi sono? Aventurmi tra il mondo della fotografia, videomaking, blogging e podcasting, io sono un Content Creator. La mia passione per questi ambiti mi ha portato a esplorarli in profondità e condividere le mie esperienze e ciò che ho appreso.
  • Le mie competenze: La mia expertise non è definita da un ruolo unico, ma piuttosto da un impegno costante verso l'apprendimento e la condivisione delle conoscenze in ambito multimediale.

📚 Concetti e Tecniche Che Ti Aspettaremos nel Corso:

  • Importazione dei video: Inizieremo dalle basi con la sezione MEDIA per caricare e organizzare i tuoi file.
  • Montaggio e Taglio: Utilizzerai la sezione CUT per assemblare e modificare il tuo progetto video.
  • Editing Generale: Con la sezione EDIT, inserirai testi, creerai transizioni e ottenrerai un edit generale del tuo video.
  • Gestione Audio: Apprenderai a migliorare l'audio con FAIRLIGHT, la suite audio integrata in DaVinci Resolve.
  • Color Grading: Esploreremo i nodi nella sezione COLOR per un color grading professionale.
  • Esportazione Video: Infine, userai DELIVER per esportare il tuo video finale.

🎥 Perché Scegliere Questo Corso?

  • Efficienza: Condensiamo i concetti e le funzioni più importanti in meno di 2 ore, evitando ore di ricerca su YouTube.
  • Ottimizzazione del Tempo: Impara rapidamente come usare il software senza interruzioni o distrazioni.
  • Accessibilità: Segui le lezioni dove e quando vuoi, sia da pc, smartphone o tablet.

🏆 Garanzia e Attestato di Frequentazione:

  • Garanzia 30 giorni: Se non sei soddisfatto del corso, puoi ottenere un rimborso o un cambio.
  • Attestato di Frequentazione: Al termine del corso, potrai aggiungere all'esperienza appresa un attestato di frequentazione al tuo curriculum Linkedin.

📆 Non aspettare! L'opportunità per innescare la tua passione per il video e l'audio è a portata di click. Unisciti a noi e trasforma DaVinci Resolve in il tuo strumento di scelta per creare contenuti eccezionali! 🌟

Our review

Course Review for DaVinci Resolve Beginner to Intermediate Training

Overview: The course has received an overwhelmingly positive response from learners, with a global rating of 4.75 and all recent reviews being highly commendatory. It serves as an excellent introductory course that piques the interest of learners for further advanced studies. The consensus is that the course is ideal for gaining both basic and intermediate knowledge of DaVinci Resolve, a complex editing program.


  • Comprehensive Introduction: The course provides a solid foundation for beginners looking to understand the basics of DaVinci Resolve. It is praised for its clarity and thoroughness in explaining the software's core functionalities.

  • Instructor Clarity: The instructor is commended for their clear and exhaustive explanations, making complex topics understandable. This has been a consistent highlight across reviews.

  • Real-World Application: Reviewers appreciate the course's practical approach, which helps learners to not only understand the tools but also to see how they are applied in real-world scenarios.

  • Engaging Content: The content is engaging and encourages learners to explore further, particularly expressing a desire for a more advanced follow-up course.

  • Versatility: The course is suitable for individuals who either have no experience with video editing or those who are familiar with other software like Adobe Premiere Pro and want to explore DaVinci Resolve.

  • Supportive Community: The reviews indicate a supportive learning environment, where learners feel encouraged and are motivated to continue their learning journey.


  • Advanced Content Desired: Some learners have expressed a desire for a more advanced course that delves deeper into specific functionalities, such as the Fairlight audio section, after completing this beginner to intermediate training.

  • Pacing May Vary: While the course is praised for its clarity, some learners may find the pace too quick or require more hands-on practice to fully grasp the concepts before moving on to more complex topics.

General Feedback:

The course has been received exceptionally well, with learners noting that it's a great starting point for anyone interested in learning DaVinci Resolve. The clear and exhaustive teaching style of the instructor is highlighted as a significant strength of the course. It is recommended by previous students who found it ideal for both beginners and those with some prior knowledge of video editing software.

To address the feedback, it would be beneficial to develop a follow-up course that continues from where this beginner to intermediate training concludes, offering an advanced exploration of DaVinci Resolve's features, especially in areas like Fairlight, which are of particular interest to learners. Additionally, providing supplementary materials or interactive exercises for practical application could enhance the learning experience and cater to different pacing needs.

Conclusion: The DaVinci Resolve Beginner to Intermediate Training course is a highly recommended program that has received an excellent response from learners. Its clear instruction and foundational approach make it stand out as a valuable resource for both novices and those looking to expand their editing skillset with a new software tool. A suggested advanced course would further improve the learning continuum for users who have completed this initial training.

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