
Batch Processing with Spring Batch & Spring Boot

Batch Processing of Data with Java Spring Framework & MySQL. Item Reader, Item Writer, Item Processor & JPA Reader

4.38 (2502 reviews)
Batch Processing with Spring Batch & Spring Boot
16 097
8 hours
Nov 2024
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What you will learn

Learn Batch Processing

Spring Batch Framework with Spring Boot

What is Spring Batch ?

What is Job & Step ?

Tasklet Step & Chunk Oriented Step

Start/Stop Job with REST API & Schedule with Spring Scheduler

Different Item Readers - CSV, JSON, XML, MySQL, REST API

Different Item Writers - CSV, JSON, XML, MySQL, REST API

Fault Tolerance with Spring Batch

Real Time Use Case with Database Migration

Why take this course?

在Spring Boot中使用Spring Batch,你会遇到一系列的概念和组件。以下是你提出的问题和概念的解释:

  1. Job Instance, Job Execution, Job Execution Context:

    • Job Instance: 表示一个独立的批处理任务执行。它是在特定时间点由JobLauncher启动的。每个job instance可以有不同的配置参数和执行上下文。
    • Job Execution: 指的是对JobInstance的具体执行。一个JobInstance可以启动多个job execution,尤其是在重试机制中。
    • Job Execution Context: 包含了当前执行的上下文信息,如变量、事务等。它是与执行实例关联的,可以被用于存储和传递执行过程中需要的数据。
  2. Step Execution, Step Execution Context:

    • Step Execution: 表示一个单独的批处理步骤(Step)的执行。每个step execution是由StepExecutor执行的,它会逐个处理Job中的step。
    • Step Execution Context: 类似于job execution context,但更为局部,仅在单个步骤的上下文中使用。它允许你在步骤执行过程中存储和传递数据。
  3. Configure MySQL with Spring Boot: 使用application.propertiesapplication.yml配置Spring Data JPA与MySQL交互,通常需要指定数据库的URL、用户名、密码等。

  4. Running Spring Batch with MySQL: 创建JPA实体类、配置EntityManagerFactoryDataSource,然后使用@EnableBatchProcessing来启用Spring Batch。

  5. Setting Job Parameter Value: 在启动job时可以通过JobLauncherJobParameters设置参数值,这些参数可以被job、step或listener使用。

  6. Make Job Parameter Unique: 确保每个job parameter在配置文件中有唯一的name属性。

  7. Job Listener, Step Listener:

    • JobListener: 监听job生命周期的事件,例如beforeJob、afterJob、onBatchError等。
    • StepListener: 监听步骤执行的事件,如beforeStep、afterStep、exceptionHandled等。
  8. Chunk Oriented Step: 这是Spring Batch中最常用的步骤类型之一。它处理数据集(chunk)并可以使用ItemReaderItemProcessorItemWriter来实现。

  9. Job Handling with REST API & Spring Scheduler: 通过编写REST端点来启动或监控job,可以实现与批处理作业的交互。使用Spring Scheduler可以定时或基于某些条件触发job。

  10. Working with Item Readers: Spring Batch提供了多种类型的ItemReader,如CSV、JSON、XML文件读取器,甚至是JDBC或REST API数据源。每个读取器都有自己的配置和用途。

  11. Working with Item Writers: 类似于ItemReaderItemWriter负责将处理过程中的数据写入到目标数据存储中。也有多种类型,如文件、数据库或REST API等。

  12. Fault Tolerance with Spring Batch: 在批处理作业中处理错误和异常是至关重要的,Spring Batch提供了许多机制来确保系统的健壮性,如重试、 Skip、自定义ExceptionHandler等。

  13. Database Migration In Action: 使用JPAItemReaderItemWriter可以实现数据库迁移的批处理作业。你需要确保两个数据库(源和目标)的JPA实体类相匹配,并且能够正确地读取和写入数据。

这些概念和组件构成了Spring Batch在Spring Boot中的核心功能,帮助开发者编写可靠、健壮且易于维护的批处理应用程序。


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Our review

Course Overview & Rating

The Global course rating for this Spring Batch course is an impressive 4.38. Recent reviews from users who have taken the course are overwhelmingly positive, highlighting the clarity and practicality of the content covered. Below, we delve into the key aspects of the course, including its strengths and areas where updates would be beneficial.


  • Excellent Technical Communication: Instructors have very good technical communication skills, making the course easy to follow (Reviewer 1).
  • Relevance & Practical Application: The course is highly relevant to tasks performed at work and helps users ramp up their use of Spring Batch technology (Reviewer 2 & Reviewer 3).
  • Clear & Easy to Follow: The course content is clear and easy to follow, which is essential for understanding complex subjects like Spring Batch (Reviewers 5, 6, 10, 14, 17, 19, 23).
  • Comprehensive Coverage: The course covers all fundamental topics necessary to begin developing both basic and complex batch jobs (Reviewers 7 & 20).
  • Real-World Application: Encourages users to apply Spring Batch to solve real-world problems (Reviewer 13).
  • Head Start for Novices: Provides a good head start for those who have been wanting to work with Spring Batch (Reviewer 18).
  • Detailed Explanation: Concepts are explained in a clear and simple way, with sample code that is sufficient for understanding and practical application (Reviewers 21 & 24).


  • Outdated Content: Some reviews suggest the course does not reflect the latest versions of Spring Batch or Spring Boot, which may lead to complications when following along with current best practices (Reviewers 8, 9, 16, 25 & 28).
  • Need for Updates: Users recommend updating the course to include the latest versions of Spring Boot and Java (Reviewers 9, 11, 16, 25, 27, 30 & 32).
  • Repeated Content: Some videos feel repetitive and could be condensed to avoid dragging out the explanation (Reviewer 31).
  • Refactoring Required: The code demonstrations might benefit from refactoring to improve clarity and structure as users progress through the course (Reviewer 20 & Reviewer 36).
  • Course Structure Suggestions: One user suggests that reusing the same classes throughout the course could be problematic for newcomers and would require significant refactoring to structure the code effectively (Reviewer 35).

Additional Notes:

  • Community Feedback: The positive feedback from a majority of users indicates that the core content of the course is valuable, despite some outdated references.
  • Resource Recommendation: Users have provided resources and suggestions for updating the course to align with current technologies (Reviewers 9 & 16).

Final Thoughts:

Overall, this Spring Batch course is highly praised for its educational value and the clarity of its instruction. While it could benefit from updates to reflect current versions of Spring Boot and Java, many users find that the foundational knowledge provided by the course is worthwhile for understanding and implementing Spring Batch in various scenarios, especially when deploying to Kubernetes clusters or similar environments. It is recommended that users supplement this course with additional learning resources to stay up-to-date with the latest technologies.



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