Cypress io باللغه العربيه
اقوى دوره عربيه من الصفر الى الاحتراف مع بناء مشروع كامل من الصفر

What you will learn
تعلم السايبرس كامله من الصفر
API Test Using Cypress بالعربيه
E2E Test Using Cypress بالعربيه
UI Test using Cypress بالعربيه
Cypress Commands بالعربيه
Cypress Intercept بالعربيه
Cypress Dashboard بالعربيه
Cypress Report بالعربيه
بناء مشروع كامل
Why take this course?
🎓 دورة عملية تحقيق صافية مع Cypress io باللغة العربية
عنوان الدوره:
🏆 الدورة الكاملة تجربة مع Cypress io - صفر إلى احترافية عربية
ملخص الدورة:
محتوي الدورة:
- Arquitecture of Cypress: تفسير كيف تعمل أنها وأهميتها في تطوير البرمجيات.
- Cypress Commands & Methods: القيام بعمليات محددة وطرق فردية لتحسين كفاءة التشغيل.
- Spy and Stub in Cypress: إجراء الأختبارات مع تدخل غير صحيح بدون تغيير الكود الصحيح.
- Aliases and Sync: استخدام الإشارات والتواصل لتعزيز قائمة الأجراء.
- API Testing: كيفية كتابة وتشغيل اختبارات API وفهم معادل ناجح.
- UI Testing: التأكد من أن واجهة المستخدم عمل بشكل صحيح في خوارزميات مختلفة.
- End-to-End Testing: إجراء اختبارات قول/أقر، لتحقق عن الكاملية والدقة للمستخدم.
أحدث الأخبار:
لماذا تجب انضمام مع Cypress?
- Community Support: Cypress له قيم شرك سحابة قوية، مع دعمًا مستمرًا من الطلب والإجابات.
- Flexibility & Stability: أداء موثوق واستخدام حسب الاحتياج، مع Cypress يمكن إجراء الإختبارات في وقت لا يتفاعل مع الأجهزة الفيروسيطة.
- Efficiency: استخدام Cypress يحسن كفاءة الإختبارات، مع وصف مُبطقة للأجراء ووضع الهدف.
- Ease of Integration: تسهيل تكامل Cypress مع أنظمة التطوير الخاصة بك.

Our review
Course Review for Cypress IO Automation Training
Overall Rating: 4.40
Comprehensive and Clear Instructions: Many reviewers, including those with Arabic feedback, appreciated the course's clarity and the effort made by instructor Mohandes Hatem. The instructions are noted to be "amazing," "very explain[ed]," and "very detailed." This suggests that students find great value in the way complex topics like Cypress IO automation are broken down and presented.
Effective Learning Experience: Students have reported a significant improvement in their understanding of Cypress, as well as gaining hands-on experience with practical applications. One student expressed gratitude for the course's structure, stating that it helped them "a lot to understand [Cypress]." The emphasis on real-world application seems to be effective, and many learners have a positive stance on the value provided by the course.
Cultural Consideration: An Arabic-speaking reviewer mentioned that they hoped the instructor would participate more, which indicates that there is an appreciation for cultural sensitivity and instructor engagement, potentially enhancing the learning experience for non-English speakers.
Technical Issues with Application: One learner had a very negative experience due to significant issues with the application used throughout the course. They reported that it "does not work properly," which is a critical issue since the course's success relies on learners being able to interact with the intended software. The instructor's unresponsiveness to messages in such scenarios also detracted from the learning experience.
Expectation of Further Content: Another reviewer expressed anticipation for upcoming modules, suggesting that learners are looking forward to more content and a complete learning journey. However, this can also be seen as an expectation for the course to be comprehensive for those starting out with Cypress automation.
Potential Misconception of Training Nature: The mention of "it seems like a scam" in one review highlights a potential misconception or concern regarding the authenticity or reliability of the training, which is an area that needs urgent attention and clarification from the course providers.
Neutral Feedback:
- Course Waitlist: A couple of reviews mentioned being on a waiting list for the course, indicating that there might be demand management issues, leading to potential learners being on hold before they can start the course.
The Cypress IO Automation Training has received overwhelmingly positive feedback from most students, who appreciate the depth and clarity of instruction. However, it's crucial for the course creators and instructors to address the technical issues with the application and ensure that learners can use the tools as intended without facing disruptions. Additionally, there should be a clear communication plan in place to manage learner expectations and concerns should they arise. Proactive engagement from the instructor during the course, especially when it comes to responding to student queries, would further enhance the learning experience. Overall, with some improvements addressed, this course has the potential to remain a highly valuable resource for individuals looking to get hands-on experience with Cypress automation.


Enrollment distribution