Curso Básico de Arquitectura Naval

Teoria del Buque

4.43 (65 reviews)
Curso Básico de Arquitectura Naval
3.5 hours
Mar 2018
last update
regular price

What you will learn

Al finalizar el curso habran aprendido lo concerniente a la Geometría, Estatica y Dinamica del buque, especificamente la nomenclatura naval, planos de formas, atributos de carena, coeficientes de formas. Ademas sabran diferenciar las partes del buque, los fenomenos hidrostaticos, de estabilidad transversal, longitudinal, así como lo relacionado con prediccion de potencia.

Why take this course?

🚢 Curso Básico de Arquitectura Naval: Teoria del Buque 🎓

¿Listo para embarcarte en el mundo maravilloso de la Arquitectura Naval? Este curso está diseñado para proporcionarte una comprensión sólida de los fundamentos de la arquitectura naval y te llevará a través de los conceptos clave en la Teoría del Buque. Aprenderás desde las nociones básicas de geometría y nomenclatura hasta las complejas dinámicas que rigen el movimiento y la estabilidad de los buques.

Geometría del Flotador: La Esencia Visual

  • 📐 Lección 1: Nociones de Arquitectura Naval Dive into the world of naval architecture with essential concepts like the definition of a ship, hull, outer shell, keel, bilge, chine, strake, transverse bulkhead, centerline, longitudinal waterline, transverse sections, main deck plan, and superstructures. Understand the importance of each component in the overall design and functionality of the vessel.

  • ⚓️ Lección 2: Dimensiones Principales del Casco Explore the key dimensions that define the hull's shape and performance. Learn about the Francobord, block coefficient, displacement, ship's length, beam, draught, and how these parameters influence speed and weight on board. Get hands-on experience with exercises and real-world examples.

  • 📫 Lección 3: Plano de Formas del Casco Master the art of drafting a hull's outline with an emphasis on planar references. Engage in a practical exercise to create your first hull outline, bringing theoretical knowledge into tangible practice.

  • 📈 Lección 4: Coeficientes Característicos de la Carenada Understand the importance of coefficients like block, flotation, prismatic, and profile coefficients. Apply your knowledge through self-assessment exercises to test your understanding of these key metrics.

Estática y Dinámica del Buque: El Equilibrio y Más

  • 🧫 Lección 5: Primeras Condiciones de Equilibrio Delve into the principles of static equilibrium, flotability, and centers of gravity. Interactive simulations will help you grasp concepts like the center of buoyancy, ship equilibrium states (stable, indifferent, unstable), and the implications for safety.

  • 🎠 Lección 6: Estabilidad Transversal Learn about the initial stability, transverse metacentric height, and how to calculate it. Study static and dynamic stabilization curves, careen liquid analysis, and real-world applications of stability criteria (OMI, Stability Criteria for Ships by Rahola, etc.). Engage with exercises that underscore the importance of stability for the safety of all aboard.

  • 📐 Lección 7: Estabilidad Longitudinal Analyze the longitudinal metacentric height and its impact on trim. Learn how to calculate the trim caused by shifting weights on board. Practical exercises will solidify your understanding of these concepts.

Dinámica del Buque: Más Allá de la Estática

  • 🌊 Lección 8: Resistencias en el Movimiento del Buque Investigate the resistances a ship faces while moving through water, including friction, wave making, and wake resistance. Practical exercises will demonstrate how these forces affect a ship's performance.

  • 🚀 Lección 9: Potencias y Velocidades Learn to calculate the power required to achieve a desired speed using the Almirantazgo formula and understand the principles of autonomy. Exercises will help you connect power, velocity, fuel consumption, and distances traveled with real-world maritime navigation scenarios.

Este curso no solo te proporcionará el conocimiento teórico sólido que necesitas, sino también la oportunidad de aplicarlo en situaciones prácticas y reales. Con cada lección, construirás una base más sólida para entender cómo los buques navegan, se mantienen a flote, y se diseñan con eficiencia y seguridad en mente.

Embrace the opportunity to expand your knowledge in the fascinating field of naval architecture and take the first step towards a career where you can make a tangible impact on maritime design and operations. Vamos a navegar juntos por el mundo de la arquitectura naval! 🚢✈️🌊

¡Inscríbete hoy y comienza tu viaje hacia la maestría en el diseño marítimo!


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Our review

🏆 Overall Course Rating: 4.65

Review Summary

The course has received high praise for its comprehensive content, which has proven to be a valuable addition to professionals in the field of naval architecture. The recent reviews have highlighted both the strengths and areas for improvement within the course material. Here's a breakdown of the feedback:

Course Highlights:

  • Comprehensive Knowledge: Participants found the course to be an excellent supplement to their professional careers, particularly useful for those aiming to specialize in naval architecture.
  • Clear Explanations: The course is commended for its clear explanations that allow learners to understand the concepts and relate them to both written material and visual aids.
  • Real-world Application: Many users appreciated the practical examples and the ability to apply the knowledge directly to their work, especially in design and modification of boats and yachts.

Areas for Improvement:

  • Geometry of the Ship: One reviewer pointed out an error regarding the center of buoyancy (center of effort) and recommended changing the term "cuadernas" to "estaciones." They also suggested adding the concept of KN (draft amidships obtained from curve curves) for calculating the drafts GZ.
  • Statics of the Ship: A precise critique was provided on the misuse of the term KM as the radius of metacentric height in a practical experience on ship stability. The reviewer also suggested including a module or adding content on Stability in Emergency within the existing module.
  • Dynamics of the Ship: The recommendation here is to redefine the concepts of propulsive efficiencies, providing methods to determine each efficiency and considering efficiencies greater than 0.80, excluding rendimiento mecánico as a standard value.

Additional Feedback:

  • Visual Aids: The course could benefit from more visual examples and graphs to help learners better understand the concepts.
  • Terminology: Some terms may be revisited for clarity, ensuring that all necessary nomenclature is well-explained from the outset of the course.

User Experience:

  • Accessibility: The course content is accessible on mobile devices, which is highly appreciated by learners who engage with the material across different platforms.
  • Concept Integration: The course structure allows for integration of knowledge in a way that is digestible and applicable to real-world scenarios.


The course is generally well-regarded and offers a solid foundation in naval architecture. The constructive criticism provided by reviewers demonstrates a clear commitment to learning and improvement, suggesting that the course could be even more effective with the suggested enhancements. The developers of the course are encouraged to continue their work, developing further content and sharing their experiences and knowledge. Overall, it's a highly recommended course for professionals and students interested in naval architecture.

Final Thoughts:

The reviewers express gratitude for the efforts of the instructors and look forward to future courses that may address additional topics within the field of naval architecture. Enthusiasm for the course's potential and the team's expertise is evident, with a strong endorsement for the course as a valuable educational tool in this specialized area of study.

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