Create Flappy Game Mechanics with Unity & PlayMaker

Learn to program the interactivity of a game like FlappyBird using Unity Physics and PlayMaker visual coding.

4.21 (41 reviews)
Game Design
Create Flappy Game Mechanics with Unity & PlayMaker
1.5 hours
May 2020
last update
regular price

What you will learn

quickly develop small prototype games with the basic mechanics in place

set up the basic mechanics for a small Flappy-like game

understand the basics of PlayMaker in Unity

react on object collisions

manage the game progress with a basic Game Manager

Why take this course?

🎼 Master Flappy Game Mechanics with Unity & PlayMaker Förnerstinrolat av den uppdaterade versionen i maj 2020, anvĂ€nder vi nu Unity 2019.3 för att skapa din egen version av en klassisk interaktiv spelmechanism som Flappy Bird. LĂ€r dig grunderna i programmering av interaktivitet i spel genom Unity Physics och PlayMaker, helt utan nödvĂ€ndighet av traditionell kodskrivning.

đŸ–„ïž Kursöversikt

Kursheadline: 👉 LĂ€r dig att programmera liknande Flappy Bird med Unity Physics och PlayMaker – gĂ„ frĂ„n grunden till framgĂ„ng.

InnehÄll i kursen:

  • GrundlĂ€ggande Unity-kunskaper: Skapa objekt, navigera i 3D-rummet och arbeta med olika komponenter Ă€r grunden vi bygger pĂ„.
  • Introduktion till PlayMaker: Den populĂ€ra PlayMaker-tillĂ€ggsnivĂ„ frĂ„n Unity Asset Store anvĂ€nds för att implementera en visuell kodningsprocess, vilket gör det möjligt för dig att skapa spelets logik utan att skriva en enda linja av traditionell C#-kod.
  • Fokuserad pĂ„ mekaniker: Vi koncentrerar oss uteslutande pĂ„ de kĂ€rnmechanismerna som styr Flappy Birds interaktivitet, inklusive att flĂ€ta/springa, gravitation och kollisioner.
  • Minimalistiska grafik: Skapa en enkel version av spelet med grundlĂ€ggande formförande objekt snarare Ă€n komplexa texturer eller spritar. Vi uppmanar dig att personligen utveckla och förbĂ€ttra dina egna assembler.
  • FramgĂ„ngsrik slutförande: Medan vi bygger stegen frĂ„n början, kan du ladda ner en fĂ€rdig paketversion av spelet för att studera och analysera det.

Vad kommer du att lÀra dig?

  • Att förstĂ„ och navigera i Unity-miljön.
  • Att anvĂ€nda Unity Physics för att skapa realistiska rörelser och interaktioner.
  • Att implementera en Finite State Machine (FSM) med PlayMaker för att hantera spelets olika tillstĂ„nd och hĂ€ndelser.
  • Att bygga en grundlĂ€ggande interaktiv spelmechanism frĂ„n marken.

Varför vÀlja denna kurs?

  • Steg-för-steg vĂ€gledning: UpptĂ€ck hur vi bygger spelet stapelsvid och lĂ€r dig de tekniska grunder som krĂ€vs för att skapa ett fungerande spel.
  • Flexibilitet: Medan vi fokuserar pĂ„ Flappy Bird, kan du anvĂ€nda dessa kunskaper för att skapa mĂ„nga andra typer av interaktiva spel.
  • Kreativitet: Skapa din egen unika version av spelet genom att anpassa och förbĂ€ttra det grundlĂ€ggande koncept vi utforskar tillsammans.
  • Stöd och resurser: Med tillgĂ„ng till en paketversion av spelet kan du fortsĂ€tta att lĂ€ra dig och experimentera efter kursens slut.

Kom ihĂ„g... 🎓 LĂ€rande Ă€r en process, och det Ă€r viktigt att ta det steg för steg. Ta med dig tĂ„lamod och kreativitet – det Ă€r dĂ€r den rika upplevelsen fĂ„r fart. Och nĂ€r du till slut landar pĂ„ den perfekta landsĂ€ttningen? Del din skapelse med vĂ€rlden och lĂ„t din gĂ„ng inspirera andra att göra samma! 🚀

AnmĂ€l dig idag för att börja din resa mot att bli en duktig Unity- och PlayMaker-utvecklare. Skapa, lĂ€r dig och ha kul med det – vi ser fram emot att se vad du skapar! đŸŽˆđŸ‘šâ€đŸ’»âœš


Create Flappy Game Mechanics with Unity & PlayMaker - Screenshot_01Create Flappy Game Mechanics with Unity & PlayMaker - Screenshot_02Create Flappy Game Mechanics with Unity & PlayMaker - Screenshot_03Create Flappy Game Mechanics with Unity & PlayMaker - Screenshot_04

Our review

📚 Overview of the Course

The course in question is designed to teach players the basics of using Playmaker, a powerful tool for visual scripting within Unity. The global rating stands at 4.15, with recent reviews reflecting a mix of opinions on the pace and depth of the content provided.

Pros of the Course:

  • Clear and Focused Instruction: Many users have praised the course for its clear explanations and focus on game mechanics, particularly appreciating the clarity when it comes to Playmaker's functionality.

  • Real-World Application: The course offers practical examples and projects that allow learners to understand how to apply Playmaker in real-world scenarios.

  • Solid Foundation: It provides a solid foundation for beginners to start with, assuming basic knowledge of Unity and some understanding of programming concepts.

  • Professional Approach: The course is delivered in a professional manner, with the instructor's clear direction making for an enjoyable learning experience.

  • Flexible Learning Pace: The ability to rewind and pause videos allows learners to follow along at their own pace, which is particularly helpful for those who are not familiar with programming terminology or concepts.

  • Use of Manuals and Examples: The instructor makes effective use of PlayMaker manuals and examples to illustrate specific actions within the Finite State Machine (FSM).

  • Empowerment for Non-Programmers: Artists and non-programmers find value in the course, as it enables them to develop games independently within Unity.

Cons of the Course:

  • Fast Paced: A recurring theme in reviews is that the course moves at a fast pace, which can be challenging for beginners or those who need more time to digest the information.

  • Assumes Prior Knowledge: The course assumes some level of familiarity with Unity and programming concepts, which could be a barrier for complete beginners.

  • Need for Better Explanation: Some users feel that the instructor does not always explain 'why' certain actions are taken, which can leave learners confused about the purpose or functionality.

  • Potential Need for Slower Delivery: A few reviewers suggest that a slower delivery of content would be beneficial, especially for those who are new to the concepts being taught.

  • Lack of Hands-On Practice: There is a desire from some users for more small projects throughout the course to reinforce learning and provide additional practice opportunities.


This Playmaker course offers a valuable resource for Unity users looking to explore visual scripting. It is particularly well-suited for artists, designers, or non-programmers who wish to create games without delving into traditional coding. While the pace might be challenging for complete beginners, the course's clear instructions and practical examples make it a solid choice for those with some Unity experience looking to expand their skill set with Playmaker. With a few adjustments to pacing and perhaps additional hands-on projects, this course could cater even better to a wider range of learners.

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