Complete Windows Password Cracking Course | Practical Guide

Learn to bypass, reset, recover and crack Windows passwords. Hacking local Windows PCs by cracking & bypassing passwords

4.29 (419 reviews)
Network & Security
Complete Windows Password Cracking Course | Practical Guide
43 199
1.5 hours
Apr 2024
last update
regular price

What you will learn

Create your own Hacking Lab in a Virtual Environment (Quick and Easy Way)

Learn cracking Windows passwords

How to bypass and reset Windows passwords?

Learn practical use of the best password cracking tools including John, Ophcrack and Hashcat

Learn the Basics of Windows Password storage and cracking

Cracking passwords with wordlists and Rainbow tables

Using password cracking tools from Windows and Kali Linux

How to Extract Windows passwords from RAM with Mimikatz

Why take this course?

🌟 Complete Windows Password Cracking Course | Practical Guide 🌟

Course Headline:

Learn to Bypass, Reset, Recover and Crack Windows Passwords. Hacking Local Windows PCs by Cracking & Bypassing Passwords

Welcome to the Ultimate Windows Password Cracking Course! 🚀

This course is your ticket to mastering the art of bypassing, resetting, recovering, and cracking Windows passwords. Whether you're a complete beginner or looking to expand your hacking skills, this course is designed to guide you through every step without any prior knowledge assumed. By the end of this course, you'll be confidently hacking into a Windows machine with ease. 🤖

Course Overview:

This course is all about practical password cracking. We dive deep into the techniques and tools necessary to attack office passwords using both CPU and GPU-based attacks from Kali Linux as well as a Windows Machine. Our approach is hands-on; you'll learn through examples and practical guides, ensuring that every lesson is engaging and informative. 🛠️✨

Why Take This Course?

  • No Prior Knowledge Required: Start from scratch and build your skills up.
  • Practical Learning: Every concept is explained with real-world examples.
  • Comprehensive Guide: Covering everything from installation to execution of password attacks.
  • Accompanied Resources: Each practical lecture comes with a free PDF presentation for quick reference.
  • Best Tools & Techniques: Discover the most effective free password-cracking tools and techniques.
  • Bypass Without Cracking: Learn methods to access Windows systems without actually cracking the passwords.
  • Speed Up the Process: Understand services and tools that can enhance the efficiency of your password-cracking efforts.

Quick Breakdown of Course Content:

  1. Installation of Kali Linux in a Virtual Environment: Learn how to set up Kali Linux quickly and efficiently for your hacking tasks. 📦
  2. Breaking Windows Passwords: Techniques and methods to break into Windows systems. 🔐
  3. Hacking into Windows Without Cracking Passwords: Discover ways to gain access without direct password knowledge. 🚪
  4. Using Hashcat for GPU-Based Attacks: Master the art of using Hashcat to speed up your attacks with graphics processing power. 🚀
  5. Using Hashcat from Windows: Learn how to leverage Hashcat even when you're working from a Windows environment. 🖥️
  6. Extracting Passwords from RAM with MimiKatz: A practical guide on using MimiKatz to retrieve passwords stored in the computer's memory. 🧠

Important Notes:

  • This course is strictly for educational purposes only. All demonstrated techniques are performed within a lab environment or on systems with explicit permission.
  • The instructor is not affiliated with any of the tools or services mentioned in the course. The purpose is to educate and empower learners with knowledge, not to engage in unauthorized activities. 📚

Embark on your journey to becoming a Windows password-cracking expert today! With this comprehensive course, you'll have all the tools and knowledge you need to tackle password security from every angle. Let's unlock the world of Windows password cracking together! 🗝️🚀

Our review

🏆 Global Course Rating: 4.43


The course "Complete Windows Password Cracking Course | Practical Guide" has been highly rated by its recent reviewers, with an average rating of 4.43 out of 5 stars. The course is well-received for its thorough coverage of password cracking techniques on Windows 10 accounts, and the high-quality content provided.


  • Comprehensive Content: The course covers all required topics related to password cracking in a concise timeframe (1.5 hours). It provides downloadable PDF resources to aid learning.
  • Expert Teaching Style: The instructor's deep knowledge and engaging teaching style make complex concepts accessible and understandable.
  • Practical Application: Real-world scenarios and hands-on examples are plentiful, allowing learners to apply their skills ethically and responsibly.
  • Engaging Presentation: High production quality with excellent video and audio ensures a seamless learning experience.
  • Community Support: The course community is active, fostering camaraderie and support among learners, with the instructor responding to questions promptly.
  • Ethical Focus: The course emphasizes ethical hacking practices and responsible use of knowledge gained.
  • Variety of Methods: The course demonstrates a wide array of password cracking techniques, offering a diverse learning experience.
  • Resume Section: A final summary section is very useful and helpful for understanding the best approaches to password cracking.
  • Positive Impact: Reviewers report an increased knowledge and proficiency in the field of cybersecurity and Windows password cracking.


  • Local Focus: Some reviewers felt the course was limited to local, on-premises devices and did not cover remote access as extensively as expected.
  • Physical Access Requirement: The course assumes physical access to the target device for certain methods, which may not be applicable for users final or in situations involving encrypted drives with BitLocker.
  • Suggestion for Improvement: Some learners expressed a hope that the syllabus will be upgraded in the future to include the latest lessons and techniques in password cracking.

Detailed Review:

The "Complete Windows Password Cracking Course | Practical Guide" is a mind-blowing journey into the world of password cracking for Windows 10 accounts. The course has been meticulously designed, taking learners from basics to advanced techniques in a step-by-step manner. It stands out due to its practical approach, providing ample hands-on exercises and challenges that make learning both thrilling and thought-provoking.

The course materials are exceptionally well-organized, with supplementary resources enhancing the overall learning experience. The instructor's enthusiasm for the subject shines through in every lesson, making the course not just educational but also inspiring. The ethical and responsible approach to hacking is a cornerstone of this course, which ensures that learners understand the importance of using their skills responsibly.

The course has been highly praised for its practicality, thoroughness, and quality of content. It is recommended for those interested in learning about security, particularly Windows password cracking, as it equips learners with the knowledge to perform audits or engage in forensic analysis effectively.

In conclusion, this course is a valuable resource for anyone looking to delve into the field of cybersecurity with a focus on password cracking. The high ratings and positive feedback from learners underscore its effectiveness in delivering quality content and a superior learning experience.



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