Linux da zero a esperti per Sviluppatori Web

Impara linux dalle basi fino esperti, crea script con bash e configura da solo uno stack LAMP:linux, apache,mysql php

4.85 (200 reviews)
Operating Systems
Linux da zero a esperti per Sviluppatori Web
12.5 hours
Aug 2022
last update
regular price

What you will learn

12 ore di corso per conoscere i concetti fondamentali di linux, bash shell e configurazione dello stack LAMP e NodeJS!

Bash scripting

Installare una macchina virtuale Linux CentOS

Conoscere la struttura delle cartelle del filesystem di linux

Comandi fondamentali per gestire un server linux

Configurazione della connessione di rete

Installare pacchetti linux

Installare e configurare mysql

Installare e configurare php

Installare e configurare apache

Regular expressions

Configurare un server in https

Configurare nginx

Introduzione a git

Introduzione a nodejs

Docker containers

Why take this course?

Linux da zero a esperti per Sviluppatori Web

Lo scopo di questo corso è illustrare come installare, configurare ed essere produttivi su un ambiente LAMP.

  • come installare un server linux

  • come orientarsi nel filesystem

  • come lavorare con la linea di comando

  • Gestione gruppi, utenti e permessi

  • Networking

  • Redhat package manager

  • SSH

  • Espressioni regolari

  • Installare Apache

  • Installare NGnix

  • come installare e configurare  PHP

  • Installare e configurare  MySql

  • Cron e crontab

  • Https e crittografia

  • Bash scripting

  • Installare e configurare nodejs

  • Installare docker e creare containers

    LAMP è un acronimo che indica una piattaforma software per lo sviluppo di applicazioni web che prende il nome dalle iniziali dei componenti software con cui è realizzata. I componenti di base, da cui prende il nome, sono:

    • GNU/Linux: il sistema operativo;

    • Apache e/o Nginx: il server web;

    • MySQL o MariaDB, il database management system (o database server);

    • PHP: il linguaggio di programmazione.

    La piattaforma è una delle più utilizzate a livello mondiale; Linux è il sistema operativo ormai standard per quanto riguarda l'hosting; Apache o Nginx coprono più del 50% delle installazioni attive dei webserver.

    Durante le lezioni verrà illustrato:


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Our review

--- ### Course Overview The course in question has garnered a high rating of 4.85 from recent reviewers, indicating a strong positive reception among participants. It is designed to help individuals deepen their understanding of web development with a focus on Linux systems, and is particularly beneficial for those aiming to work as web developers or systemists within agencies. The course content spans from fundamental to advanced concepts, making it suitable for both beginners and experienced professionals looking to refine their skills. ### Pros - **Clear Explanations**: Reviewers consistently praise the instructor's ability to explain topics clearly, with several mentioning the utility of practical exercises that accompany theoretical lessons. - **Comprehensive Coverage**: The course is considered comprehensive, covering a wide range of Linux-related skills such as BASH scripting, NGINX configuration, and container management with Docker. - **Real-World Application**: Many reviewers have found the course to be practical and applicable in real-world scenarios, particularly for those new to Linux. - **Multi-faceted Teaching Style**: The presence of two instructors is highlighted as a positive aspect, offering a broader perspective on the subject matter. - **Well-Structured Content**: The course is appreciated for its well-organized structure and the use of slides, which aid in learning complex concepts more effectively. - **Diverse Audience**: The course is deemed valuable for individuals with varying levels of programming web knowledge, from basic to advanced. ### Cons - **Some Teaching Dispersions**: A few reviewers felt that the course became less focused as it progressed, with some concepts receiving short shrift compared to others. - **Audio Quality Issues**: One notable concern raised by a reviewer was the poor audio quality of the recorded content. This issue was significant enough that the learner had to use audio compression tools to improve the listening experience. - **Potential for Improvement in Organization**: Some reviewers suggested that certain commands and functions were introduced too late in the course, which could have been more impactful if presented earlier. - **Need for Clarity on Philosophy Behind Commands**: A desire for a clearer explanation of the philosophy behind shell commands was expressed to make it easier to apply reasoning and locate commands effectively. ### Conclusion Overall, the course is highly recommended for its thorough coverage of Linux web development skills. The clear explanations, practical exercises, and comprehensive content are significant strengths that outweigh minor issues such as some organizational lapses and audio quality concerns. With a focus on both theoretical knowledge and real-world application, this course stands as a valuable resource for anyone looking to expand their skill set in the field of Linux systems and web development. It is especially beneficial for programmers transitioning towards system administration roles within web development agencies.



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