Corso di Cyber Security

Tecnologie per la protezione dei sistemi informatici

4.05 (106 reviews)
Network & Security
Corso di Cyber Security
2.5 hours
Jun 2019
last update
regular price

What you will learn

Gestire problematiche tecniche e normative di notevole rilevanza nelle strutture;

Garantire la sicurezza dei sistemi informatici contro virus, ingressi non autorizzati e sottrazione di dati.

Fare fronte ai problemi relativi alla sicurezza informatica, alla gestione della privacy e alla protezione dei dati.

Why take this course?

Il corso di Cyber Security forma una delle figure più ricercate dal mercato del lavoro.

L’esperto di sicurezza informatica riesce a gestire problematiche tecniche e normative di notevole rilevanza, in strutture dalla più piccola alla più complessa. E’ specializzato nel garantire la sicurezza dei sistemi informatici contro virus, ingressi non autorizzati e sottrazione di dati.

Il corso è strutturato in 10 Sezioni, ognuna composta da:

- video-lezioni esplicative, condotte da esperti docenti;

-riassunti in formato pdf scaricabili e stampabili;

L’allievo potrà seguire comodamente i filmati dal proprio PC o ascoltarli su qualsiasi riproduttore audio.

I video sono inoltre visibili tramite il nostro sito senza scadenza, mentre tutto il resto del materiale è interamente visibile, scaricabile e consultabile 24h su 24, il tutto una volta effettuato il pagamento.

Al termine del percorso, è possibile ricevere l’Attestato di Frequenza, come CORSO DI CYBER SECURITY, previo completamento di tutte le lezioni. Questo certificato può essere usato per motivi di lavoro, come allegato al curriculum vitae, e in caso di richiesta di un’attestazione scritta a conferma di un percorso formativo.


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Our review

--- **Overview** The global course rating stands at 4.15, indicating a high level of satisfaction among recent reviewers. The course has been characterized as both "very exhaustive" and "extremely interesting and important," with clear explanations provided through video support and downloadable PDFs. However, some concerns have been raised regarding the course's suitability for different levels of expertise. **Pros** - **Comprehensive Content**: The course offers a wide range of knowledge on the subject matter, which is spelled out in a clear and understandable manner for most learners. - **Quality Production**: The course material, including videos and PDFs, is well-produced and contributes to an engaging learning experience. - **Interesting Introduction**: The initial part of the course was found very interesante by several reviewers, who also confirmed its quality and effectiveness in sparking interest and passion for the subject. - **Clarity and Engagement**: The concepts are explained clearly, making the course both informative and engaging for learners. - **Broad Appeal**: The course provides a broad overview that is particularly beneficial for those new to the field of Cyber Security. **Cons** - **Misleading Title**: Some reviewers found the title of the course misleading as it did not accurately reflect the content and level of technicality. - **Language Complexity**: The language used in the course is described as suitable only for technicians, with many concepts assumed to be known without sufficient explanation. - **Lack of Basic Assumptions**: For a course advertised as an "introductory" course, it is criticized for not being sufficiently basic or comprehensible to novices. - **Pace of Explanation**: A few reviewers suggested that the pace at which concepts are explained could be slower, specifically recommending an impostazione di velocità (speed setting) of 1.5 for better understanding and fluidity. - **Desire for More Depth**: Some learners expressed a desire for more in-depth exploration of hacking techniques to complement the existing material. **Conclusion** This course is well-received by most reviewers, who appreciate its comprehensive nature, clarity, and engagement. However, it's important to note that some learners found the course too technical and not as suitable for beginners as advertised. The suggested improvements include adjusting the pace of explanation for better accessibility and offering a more introductory approach to those with less prior knowledge in the field. Despite these limitations, the course is highly recommended as an informative starting point for understanding Cyber Security. --- **Course Rating Summary** - **Global Rating**: 4.15 out of 5 stars - **Recent Reviews**: Varies from "extremely exhaustive" and "interesting," to concerns about the course's suitability for beginners and the pace of instruction. - **Recommendation**: A valuable course for those with some background in networking, and an excellent starting point for anyone interested in Cyber Security, with a note to potentially adjust playback speed for better comprehension.



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Enrollment distribution

Corso di Cyber Security - Distribution chart

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