Corso di Cucina Cinese per bambini (...e genitori)

Cuciniamo insieme piatti semplici di cucina cinese, imparando anche parole nuove in cinese.

4.75 (12 reviews)
Corso di Cucina Cinese per bambini (...e genitori)
1 hour
Jun 2022
last update
regular price

What you will learn

a cucinare ricette di cucina cinese

parole semplici in lingua cinese

aspetti della cultura cinese

leggende della cina antica

Why take this course?

🍜 Benvenuti nel Corso di Cucina Cinese per Bambini (e Genitori)! 🍬

Scopri la Cucina Cinese con Divertimento e Semplicezza!

Cosa Questa Aventura Culinaria Ti Offre?

Cosa Includo nel Corso?

  • 10 Video Ricette: Scopri come preparare i classici piatti cinesi che incontrozzate forse solo al ristorante, ma che a casa sono facili da realizzare! 🎬
  • 10 Schede Ingredienti: Tutte le informazioni che puoi bisogno per le tue spese, facilmente scaricabili. 📝
  • 10 Schede Linguistiche: Aumenta il tuo vocabolario cinese con schede apposite da utilizzare durante le ricette. 🗣️

Prerequisiti Per Il Corso

  • Appassionati di Cucina Cinese: Se sei qui, probabilmente già sii! ❤️
  • Voleri Imparare il Cinese: Anche le prime parole possono aprire un mondo di nuove esperienze. 🏕️
  • Non Essere Troppo Bravi a Cucinare: Nessun problema, ci guideremo insieme! 🙈
  • Far Parte della Famiglia: Questo corso è pensato per essere condiviso, sia che tu sia bambino o genitore. 👨‍👩‍👧

Chi Siamo?

Unisciti a Noi e Inizia il Viaggio Gastronomico Cinese Oggi Stesso! 🎉

Con il Corso di Cucina Cinese per Bambini (e Genitori), ti immaginerai chef esperti, esplorerai nuovi sapori e imparerai frasi in cinese che miglioreranno ogni giorno tuo. E, soprattutto, farai questo tutto insieme a famiglia. 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

Prepara la tua padella e unitevi a noi per una corsa culinaria indimenticabile! 🎫🎉


Corso di Cucina Cinese per bambini (...e genitori) - Screenshot_01Corso di Cucina Cinese per bambini (...e genitori) - Screenshot_02Corso di Cucina Cinese per bambini (...e genitori) - Screenshot_03Corso di Cucina Cinese per bambini (...e genitori) - Screenshot_04

Our review

🌟 Course Review for "Mandarin Chinese Cooking Course for Kids" 🌟


The "Mandarin Chinese Cooking Course for Kids" is a highly engaging and educational course that has received overwhelming positive feedback from recent reviewers. This course is designed not only to teach children Mandarin Chinese through cooking but also to instill a sense of independence and culinary skills.


  • Interactive Learning: The course encourages active learning by having children prepare and cook meals, which in turn helps them pick up new vocabulary related to food and cooking in Mandarin.
  • Educational: The course is well-structured with clear instructions, making it easy for kids to follow along and learn at their own pace.
  • Cultural Experience: While learning the language, children also get exposed to Chinese culture and traditions, providing a more holistic educational experience.
  • Simple Recipes: The recipes provided are simple and designed for young learners to execute with ease.
  • Language Immersion: The course emphasizes the Mandarin vocabulary for ingredients and food items, which helps with language retention and understanding through practical application.
  • Fun and Engaging: The course is described as fun and entertaining, which is crucial for keeping children's attention and interest in learning.
  • Family-Friendly: Parents can join in on the cooking and language learning, making it a family activity that brings everyone closer to understanding Mandarin Chinese.


  • No explicit cons were mentioned in the reviews. However, potential considerations might include:
    • Technical Requirements: Depending on the course format, some technical proficiency or equipment (e.g., internet access, kitchen facilities) may be required to fully participate and benefit from the course.
    • Dietary Restrictions: Some families may have dietary restrictions or preferences that could limit the use of certain recipes provided in the course.


The "Mandarin Chinese Cooking Course for Kids" is a standout educational program that successfully combines language learning with practical, hands-on cooking experiences. It's praised for its effectiveness in teaching Mandarin to children through a method that is both engaging and culturally enriching. The course's approach to language immersion within the context of preparing and enjoying Chinese cuisine has proven to be a hit among parents and kids alike. With almost unanimous positive reviews, this course is highly recommended for any family looking to introduce Mandarin to their children in a delightful and interactive manner.

Global Course Rating: 4.8/5 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 (Based on recent reviews)

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