ColdFusion 11 Fundamental

Aprenda a desenvolver websites dinâmicos de uma forma rápida e eficaz.

4.25 (122 reviews)
Programming Languages
ColdFusion 11 Fundamental
2.5 hours
Jan 2023
last update
regular price

What you will learn

Instalar o servidor ColdFusion.

Conceitos fundamentais da linguagem.

Criar loops e ações condicionais.

Formulários e Links com parâmetros.

Why take this course?

** Aprenda conosco! Temos mais de 300 mil alunos, em 100 países, inscritos em todos os nossos cursos. **

Este curso é composta por 41 aulas.

O curso é rápido, mas bem estruturado para você aprender de forma objetiva tudo o que precisa para impactar pessoas e se destacar.

O curso de ColdFusion 11 Fundamental vai lhe ensinar como desenvolver websites dinâmicos, com acesso à banco de dados de uma forma rápida e eficaz. A linguagem ColdFusion é baseada em tags tal como HTML5, a curva de aprendizagem fica bastante acelerada. 

  1. Apresentação do curso.

  2. Instalação do ColdFusion 11

  3. Escolher a IDE para trabalhar.

  4. Fundamentos de CFML.

  5. Ações Condicionais.

  6. Loops.

  7. Trabalhar com Data.

  8. Criar links com parâmetros.

  9. Trabalhando com formulários.

Ao término deste curso, você vai aprender como instalar o servidor, como iniciar o serviço, conceitos básicos da linguagem, como: Criar variáveis, formatar datas, criar loops, ações condicionais, etc.

Respostas de nossos alunos em nossos cursos após centenas de avaliações:

  • Você está obtendo informações importantes? -- Resposta: 100% Sim

  • As explicações dos conceitos são claras? -- Resposta: 100% Sim.

  • A apresentação do instrutor é cativante? -- Resposta: 100% Sim.

  • O curso está atendendo a suas expectativas? -- Resposta: 100% Sim.

  • O instrutor entende do assunto? -- Resposta: 100% Sim.

O curso contém um conjunto completo para seu aprendizado.

  • Vídeo-aulas.

  • Suporte para tirar as suas dúvidas dos exercícios do curso.

Há algum requisito ou pré-requisito para o curso?

  • Conhecer fundamentos de HTML e CSS.

Para quem é este curso:

  • Programador e estudantes e profissionais de computação.

Our review

--- **Overall Course Rating:** 4.25/5 ### **Course Review Synthesis** **Pros:** - **Effective and Clear Teaching:** The course has received praise for its didactic approach, with many learners finding the explanations clear and the concepts easy to understand. - **Suitable for Beginners:** The curriculum is well-regarded for being a good starting point for those who are new to the language of programming. - **Positive Learner Experience:** There is a high level of satisfaction among learners, with some expressing plans to continue with further modules and others commending the instructor. *“Ótimo curso! Before starting I did not imagine it would be so easy to learn, and now I can say that I understand this language which can be very useful. The professor deserves congratulations; I will do the next module and hope they post more materials.”* - **Value for Time Invested:** Despite being a brief course, learners consider the material presented to be both rapid and efficient in terms of teaching the basics. *“The course is quite fast and basic (as the name suggests), however it is efficient in its proposal. It’s worth it!”* **Cons:** - **Limited Duration:** A significant point of criticism is the length of the course, with several learners feeling that two hours are not sufficient to thoroughly learn a new language. - **Installation and Technical Issues:** At least one learner encountered issues with installing the program and visualizing content but was able to resolve it independently. - **Desire for More Advanced Content:** A few learners, after completing the course, expressed a desire to find more advanced courses from the same instructor. *“Curriculum is too short. Good teaching method, but two hours is way too little time to learn a new language.”* ### **Course Content and Structure** The course content is lauded for its clarity and effectiveness in teaching the basics of programming. It is particularly suitable for beginners or those looking for an introduction to the subject matter. Despite the course being brief, it covers the fundamental concepts well, which learners find valuable. However, some learners expect more comprehensive material and are hoping for longer courses that build upon this foundational knowledge. ### **Teaching Style** The teaching style is commended for its clarity and approachability. The instructor's ability to explain complex concepts in a simple manner has been highlighted positively by several learners, indicating that the course is likely well-structured and easy to follow. ### **Technical Aspects** While the learning experience is overall positive, there are some technical issues reported. A few learners faced challenges with installation and visualization of the course materials, but were able to overcome these on their own. It's recommended that the platform address such technical issues proactively to enhance the user experience. ### **Learner Engagement** The engagement from the learners is high, with many indicating their intention to continue with further modules and even seek out additional courses from the same instructor based on the positive experience they've had. --- In conclusion, this course offers a solid foundation in programming for beginners and is delivered effectively. The main drawbacks are its brevity and some technical challenges faced during the learning process. Nonetheless, the overall feedback from learners is very positive, with many expressing satisfaction with both the content and the teaching style. It is recommended that the course be expanded to provide more in-depth knowledge for those who wish to advance their skills further.



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