The All-in-One Developer Masterclass - Learn Great Coding

The Coding Course Covers Game Development with Scratch 3.0, Kodu Game Lab, Python, Java, C#, MySQL, Project Management

4.61 (40 reviews)
Programming Languages
The All-in-One Developer Masterclass - Learn Great Coding
1 380
23.5 hours
Aug 2024
last update
regular price

What you will learn

You will learn how to create programs, make games and solve programming problems.

Understand all the fundamental programming principles.

Understand complex programming topics.

Learn to use coding to develop games!

Why take this course?

¡Claro que sí! La formación en programación y desarrollo de software es un camino constante de aprendizaje y mejora. Según el plan de estudio proporcionado, te guiará a través de varios bloques clave que cubren desde los fundamentos de la entrada/salida básica y el control de flujo hasta las colecciones de datos y finalmente las funciones.

Aquí está lo que vas a hacer para cada bloque, con algunas adiciones y detalles:

  1. Bloque #1: Fundamentals (Variable assignment, basic input and output operations, type casting, simple strings):

    • Aprenderás a asignar valores a variables y cómo interactuar con la entrada/salida estándar de Python.
    • Te familiarizarás con el cásting de tipos entre enteros, flotantes y cadenas de texto (strings).
    • Practicarás con operaciones matemáticas básicas y manipulación de strings.
  2. Bloque #2: Control of Flow – Conditionals (if statements, pass instruction):

    • Aprenderás a usar estructuras condicionales para tomar decisiones en tu código.
    • Te mostraremos el uso de pass como un marcador de posición vacío.
  3. Bloque #3: Flow Control – Loops (while loops, for loops, range(), in, nesting):

    • Implementarás bucles para repetir acciones y procesos.
    • Te aprenderemos a usar range() para iterar de manera eficiente y cómo usar el operador in para verificar la existencia de elementos en colecciones.
    • Aprenderás a controlar el flujo dentro de los bucles con break y continue.
  4. Bloque #4: Data Collections – Lists, Tuples, and Dictionaries:

    • Trabajarás con listas, que son mutables y permiten la modificación de sus elementos.
    • Te mostraremos las diferencias entre lists y tuples, siendo estos últimos inmutables una vez creados.
    • Aprenderás a manejar dictionaries, que son colecciones de parejas clave-valor.
  5. Bloque #5: Functions:

    • Definirás tus propias funciones y generadores.
    • Te explicaremos el uso del return para devolver valores de las funciones y yield en el caso de los generadores.
    • Aprenderás sobre la recursividad y cómo pasar argumentos a las funciones, incluyendo valores predeterminados para parámetros.
    • Te mostraremos cómo convertir generadores a listas y cómo el alcance de las variables afecta al acceso a los datos dentro de las funciones.

Este plan de estudio proporciona una base sólida en Python, una de las lenguajes de programación más populares y versátiles. Al seguir este camino, estarás bien equipado para entender y crear programas complejos, algoritmos eficientes y aplicaciones útiles. Además, Python es ampliamente utilizado en diversos campos como la web desarrollement, análisis de datos, ciencia de datos, automatización y muchos otros.

Así que, si estás listo y emocionado por aprender Python, asegúrate de tener un entorno de desarrollo configurado (como Anaconda para científicos de datos o un entorno virtual en tu IDE preferido), y comienza tu viaje de aprendizaje con convicción. ¡Buena suerte y disfruta el proceso!


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Our review

Overall Review: The online course in question has received an overwhelmingly positive reception from its recent reviewers, with a global rating of 4.80 out of 5. The course is highly praised for its comprehensive content, clear instructions, and the instructor's teaching style.


  • High-Quality Content: Reviewers consistently highlight the course's ability to cover both theoretical and practical aspects of coding, describing it as an "all-in-one course" with "the best content [they've] ever seen."
  • Ease of Learning: The course is lauded for its well-structured videos that are segmented into easy-to-digest parts, making learning accessible even for those with busy schedules.
  • Clear Instructions and Foundational Coverage: Initial information is described as "basic and straightforward," ensuring all foundational knowledge is adequately covered.
  • Consistent Updates: The course content is noted for being up-to-date, with new content that surpasses the expectations of learners.
  • Instructor's Teaching Style: Dr. Chris Mall receives high praise for his teaching approach, which not only covers what to do but also explains the "how and why" behind the code, making it easier for students to understand and apply concepts.
  • Additional Resources and Support: The instructor is commended for sharing valuable resources and providing detailed answers, which far exceed the norm for online courses.
  • Engaging Voice: One reviewer specifically mentioned loving the instructor's voice, adding to the overall learning experience.

Cons: The course content, as reviewed, does not seem to have any major drawbacks or common issues that are frequently highlighted in negative reviews. However, learners should be aware that due to the comprehensive nature of the course and its updates, it may require a significant time investment.

Course Highlights:

  • Comprehensive and Practical: The course provides a thorough understanding of coding with numerous practical examples.
  • Well-Organized Content: Videos are segmented for easy consumption, catering to learners' varying schedules.
  • Instructor Expertise: Dr. Chris Mall is commended for his exceptional teaching abilities and the depth of his explanations.
  • Regular Updates: The course content is kept current with the latest developments in coding.

Learner Outcomes:

  • Gain a solid foundation in coding theories and practices.
  • Benefit from a structured learning path that accommodates different schedules.
  • Learn from an instructor who clearly explains concepts and their applications.
  • Access to additional resources that enhance the learning experience.

Recommendation: This course is highly recommended for individuals looking to gain or deepen their understanding of coding, whether they are beginners or advanced learners. The positive feedback suggests that it is particularly suitable for those who prefer a structured and updated approach to learning coding concepts.

Instructor's Performance: Dr. Chris Mall is praised for his role in the course's success, with several learners indicating their intention to take all of his courses. His ability to not only teach but also to engage students with his voice and explanations sets him apart as an instructor.

Conclusion: Overall, this course stands out as a top-tier option for anyone interested in learning to code or enhancing their existing coding knowledge. With its excellent content, clear instructions, and consistent updates, it is a valuable resource that could significantly contribute to the learner's development in the field of coding.

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