Cisco CyberOps Associate - Practice Exams (300 Questions)

Prepare for the 200-201 CBROPS exam.

3.90 (26 reviews)
Network & Security
Cisco CyberOps Associate - Practice Exams (300 Questions)
300 questions
Mar 2021
last update
regular price

What you will learn

Prepare for the Cisco CyberOps Associate Exam (200-201 CBROPS)

Why take this course?

Understanding Cisco Cybersecurity Operations Fundamentals (CBROPS), is the replacement for the CCNA Security exam which retired in 2020. The exam code is 200-201 CBROPS. The Cisco Certified CyberOps Associate certification validates your skills and knowledge in security concepts, security monitoring, host-based analysis, network intrusion analysis, and security policies and procedures.

Passing the CBROPS exam will help you to launch your career in cybersecurity, gain an insider’s view into the life of a Security Analyst, and discover the resources to pass the certification exam.

We've broken down the exams into the five syllabus topics, each having 50 exam-style questions. The final test covers all syllabus topics and represents the kinds you will find in the real exam from Cisco.

  1. Security concepts (50 questions)

  2. Security monitoring (50 questions)

  3. Host-based analysis (50 questions)

  4. Network intrusion analysis (50 questions)

  5. Security policies and procedures (50 questions)

  6. All the above topics combined (50 questions)

Each exam covers all the topics within that syllabus item. The Security concepts module, for example, covers the CIA triad, threat intelligence, exploits, access control, attack vectors and statistical detection..

The CBROPS exam costs $400 to sit and the average first time pass rates are well under 50%. For this reason you must prepare by using a quality study guide, doing hands-on labs and taking a lot of practice exams. This is where we come in. You need to getting 95% or higher in EVERY exam before you take the real one.

The exams were written by CCIE Jay Ocampo who designs and supports large Data Centers. Jay also creates video training for the online certification training company howtonetwork.


September 27, 2023
This is a great course that the Cisco CyberOpps exam sitter will benefit from. If explanations to answers were given, I would give it the full five stars
May 10, 2023
There are an assortment of things that need to be done in order to make this at least Average / Good. Such things that are necessary for that include: * More practice tests on each of the following areas covered in this. * More scenario questions * Simulation questions * Information on why the answer is what it is and what the other things are. * Multiple Final Exams * Fixing some questions that have the complete wrong answer to it. Overall, this is disappointing to me, as there is a great deal of things this is severely lacking on and should have. I do not recommend this course.
May 18, 2022
It was an awesome experience, I look forward to taking up more courses on Udemy to sharpen my IT skills as Udemy is the best study platform so far.
June 13, 2021
A lot of mistakes when it comes the way the questions are asked and also the exam answers. An example would be having a question that expects multiple answers but you're allowed to tick only one. Another would be questions that tell you the wrong answer is correct. Mistakes like that make these practice exams pretty useless as neither the information in them, nor the preparation percentage can be trusted. I expected better when I paid for it.



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