ChatGPT + Bing (Copilot): Prompt Engineering Masterclass

Combined Prompt Engineering AI Course for ChatGPT + Bing Chat (Copilot). Beginner to Advance. 1000+ prompts, Templates

4.38 (205 reviews)
Data Science
ChatGPT + Bing (Copilot): Prompt Engineering Masterclass
13 754
1.5 hours
Oct 2023
last update
regular price

What you will learn

You will understand ChatGPT and Bing Chat Prompt Engineering from basics to advanced concepts and applications.

How to quickly generate images with Bing Chat using the 3-elements technique.

The basics of AI, machine learning, deep learning and NLP.

How to train ChatGPT and Bing Chat to improve the output

How to use ChatGPT and Bing Chat for brainstorming and creating presentations.

How to generate stories and novels in ChatGPT using a template.

How to use ChatGPT and Bing Chat for summarizing texts.

How to use ChatGPT and Bing Chat for solving complex problems.

How to use ChatGPT and Bing Chat for extracting content.

Understand chain of thought prompting and it's application.

How to use ChatGPT and Bing Chat for personalization.

How to use ChatGPT and Bing Chat for completing stories and emails.

How to use ChatGPT and Bing Chat for sentiment analysis.

How to use the ‘STAR’ prompt system for generating great output.

How to use advanced stepwise prompting.

How to use the image generation template for creating artistic images in Bing Chat.

Why take this course?

🌟 Unlock the Full Potential of AI with "ChatGPT + Bing Chat: Combined AI Masterclass"! 🌟

Why Learn ChatGPT and Bing Chat Together?

Embrace Creativity and Productivity

With the combined power of ChatGPT and Bing Chat, you can unleash your full potential. These two advanced AI systems complement each other perfectly, offering you a unique blend of creativity and accuracy, imagination and factual data. By mastering both, you'll be able to create remarkable AI-driven projects that stand out in the crowd.

Why Learn Prompt Engineering?

Communication is key when interacting with AI. Prompt Engineering is a crucial skill that allows you to effectively communicate with AI systems, ensuring you get the desired output. As AI becomes more integrated into our lives, knowing how to prompt correctly is essential for anyone looking to advance in their career or stand out in their field.

What Will You Learn in This Course?

This course is designed to take you from the basics to advanced uses of ChatGPT and Bing Chat. You'll learn how to:

  • Write essays, articles, and stories
  • Solve math problems
  • Craft sales emails and draft contracts
  • Code games, websites, and apps
  • Generate amazing images with just a few words

Advanced Prompt Engineering Topics Include:

  • Brainstorming techniques
  • Stepwise prompting strategies
  • The 'Star' Prompt System
  • Image prompting with Bing Chat
  • Understanding Zero-shot, Few-shot prompting, and Temperature settings

Will You Teach Image Prompting in Bing Chat?

Yes! This course will guide you through the process of generating images from Bing Chat, expanding your creative horizons.

What Resources Will Be Provided in the Course?

To support your learning journey, you'll receive:

  • A comprehensive Ebook with 1000+ Prompts
  • A collection of Prompt Templates
  • A Prompt Response Handbook
  • A 'Perfect Prompt' Cheatsheet
  • A Prompt Style Sheet (Excel format)
  • An exclusive short fantasy novel, "Seasons, Superpowers, and Dreams" by ChatGPT
  • A PPT Presentation on "Blockbuster GamingPass"

Do I Need a Paid Plan for ChatGPT to Use This Course?

Not at all! The entire course is designed to work with the free ChatGPT plan.

What if I Don't Like the Course?

We offer a 30-day money-back guarantee. Take the course risk-free and fully explore the power of Prompt Engineering for ChatGPT and Bing Chat.

If you're ready to enhance your skills and be at the forefront of the AI revolution, join me in this comprehensive course to learn and master the art of Prompt Engineering. Together, we'll harness the full capabilities of ChatGPT and Bing Chat and elevate your AI experience.

📘 Let's Master Prompt Engineering Together! 📘

Our review

🌟 Global Course Rating: 4.37


The course on ChatGPT & Bing Chat has received overwhelmingly positive feedback from recent reviewers, with a high rating of 4.37 out of 5 stars. The course is appreciated for its visual learning approach, practical applications, and the comprehensive resources provided. It is considered an exceptional learning experience, particularly by those who are visual learners or looking to apply AI in real-world scenarios.


  • Engaging Content: Reviewers found the course content engaging, with sections like sentiment analysis and image generation being especially appreciated.
  • Visual Learning: The use of visuals alongside text has been a significant plus for learners, making complex topics more accessible.
  • Real-World Applications: Many students have found the techniques taught to be immediately applicable in their professional lives.
  • Resource Accessibility: All course resources are transparent and accessible, which is highly valued by learners.
  • Innovative Techniques: The course covers advanced techniques that are both useful and innovative, especially for AI applications.
  • Fun and Exciting: The course delivery is described as enthusiastic and engaging, making learning about prompt engineering enjoyable.
  • Clear and Detailed: The course is praised for its clarity and the detailed explanations it provides.
  • Valuable Information in Short Form: Despite being short, the course packs a punch with valuable information that helps learners get up to speed quickly.
  • Inspirational Teaching: Students have reported feeling inspired by the instructor's dedication and teaching style.
  • Improvement of Skills: Many learners have reported an improvement in their skills after completing the course.


  • AI Voice Over: Some reviewers noted that the voice-over in the course, which they suspect is AI generated, felt unnatural. However, this is also understood given the course topic.
  • Brief Duration: A few learners expected the course to cover more topics, as it was a bit too short for their preference.
  • Language and Subtitle Issues: One reviewer mentioned that there are no Spanish subtitles and the voiceover is from India, which could be difficult to understand without prior exposure to the accent.
  • Value for Money: One reviewer suggested that the course should be purchased on sale, implying it might be priced higher than perceived value.

Additional Notes:

  • Diversity in Audience: The course has been taken by a diverse audience, including those writing books, developing presentations, and students aiming to deepen their understanding of AI and prompt engineering.
  • Multilingual Appeal: While the course primarily seems to cater to English-speaking audiences, it has reached learners from various linguistic backgrounds, as indicated by a review in French and mentions of language preferences.

In summary, this course on ChatGPT & Bing Chat is highly recommended for its comprehensive and engaging approach to learning about AI and prompt engineering. The positive feedback outweighs the minor concerns regarding voiceover and course duration, making it a valuable resource for anyone interested in leveraging AI in their work or studies.



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