【13時間】Canvaマスタークラス Canva公認海外一流ウェブデザイナー直伝のノウハウ満載のキャンバ使い方講座
海外のCanva Certified Creativeだけが知っているCanvaの便利機能・テクニックを多数紹介!日本一詳しいCanvaオンライン講座。初心者でもプロ級になれるWebデザイン入門。動画編集・ウェブサイト作成・Canva AI

What you will learn
Why take this course?
🎓 【11時間】Canvaマスタークラス Canva公認海外一流ウェブデザイナー直伝のノウハウ満載のキャンバ使い方講座
- ※2023年3月レクチャル追加 【NEW】
- 日本一詳しいCanvaオンライン講座の絶弱!10時間以上の超特大ボリュームの内容。
- 海外のCanva Certified Creativeだけが知っているCanvaの便利機能・テクニックを多数紹介!
- 日本版Udemyで提供されている中でも、Canvaに関する情報量と網羅性へのナンバー1优位。
- 零からプロ級のデザイン技術まで学べる「Canvaの使い方マスター講座」
- Canvaで使えるあらゆる機能をセクションにより分けて解説しています。
- 基礎編から実践的なテクニック集まで、全般的なスキルから特定の使用方法まで、ZEROから始めることが可能。
- セクション별解説
- サムネイル作成
- 動画編集
- ランディングページ作成
- Tシャツプリントなど、具体的なデザイン作品の制作方法を学びます。
- Instagram投稿のためのCanvaテクニック
- インスタ投稿に特化した使い方も多数収録されています。
- Youtubeサムネイル作成
- Youtubeイントロ動画作成
- プレゼンスライド作成
- ランディングページ作成
- Tシャツをプリントする方法
- Instagramのリール動画作成方法
- Facebook広告のデザイン
- Canva Proを使った人物の切り抜き方
- Canvaでウェブサイトの作成方法
- そしてもうするところ、さらに多くのコンテンツが随時追加予定なので、長期的に学ぶことができます。
- Canvaで作れるものはバナーや電子書籍の表紙だけではありません
- Canvaの様々な機能やツールを知り、最大限に活用することが可能になります。
- 日本語のCanvaに関する情報はかなり限定的であり、まだまだ知られていないような機能やツールがたくさんあります。
- 本講座ではそのような便利なコンテンツを多数公開しています。
** Canvaマスターを目指すなら,このコースは必見! **
🌟 今すぐ登録し、Canvaの世界にお任せ! 🌟
Our review
Overview of the Course
The course in question is designed to teach users the basics of Canva, a popular graphic design tool. The global course rating stands at 3.97, with all recent reviews being positive, highlighting the course's ability to cover the subject matter comprehensively while also allowing learners to dive into specific topics without having to follow the course sequentially.
Pros of the Course
Comprehensive Content: The course provides a thorough overview of Canva's features and functionalities, making it suitable for beginners as well as those looking to enhance their skills.
Flexible Learning Path: Learners can pick and choose specific lectures that interest them without the need to start from the beginning of the course.
Practical Application: The course not only introduces the basics but also offers a variety of methods to use Canva, ensuring that learners can find ways to apply it according to their needs.
Up-to-date Information: Recent updates and features of Canva are included in the course material, which is essential for staying current with the tool's evolving capabilities.
Repeatable Learning: The course content is designed to be revisitable, making it ideal for those who may be less familiar with computers or learning new software at their own pace.
Cons of the Course
Technical Issues: Some reviewers experienced technical difficulties with video quality and clarity, particularly with audio levels that were too low in some parts.
Limited Advanced Content: While the course covers the basics well, it may not delve deeply into advanced or professional features of Canva Pro for those planning to upgrade their accounts.
Course Structure and Style
The course is structured into sections and lectures that allow learners to navigate through the material based on their interests or needs. The teaching style is primarily video-based, with a focus on demonstrating practical applications of Canva. The course is well-organized and seems to cater to a variety of learning styles, offering both foundational knowledge and more advanced tips for those who are already familiar with the basics.
Final Thoughts
Overall, the course receives high praise for its comprehensive coverage of Canva, flexibility in learning, and up-to-date information. While there are some technical issues to address and a need for more advanced content for professional users, this course remains a valuable resource for anyone looking to learn or improve their skills with Canva. The positive reviews indicate that the course effectively meets its objectives and provides substantial value to its students.
Note: The reviews were synthesized from the provided feedback, focusing on key aspects that reflect both the strengths and areas for improvement of the course. This summary aims to give potential learners a clear understanding of what to expect from this Canva course.


Enrollment distribution