دبلومة الشمع المخبوز | Baking Candles complete guide
دليلك الشامل لاحتراف صناعة الشموع المخبوزة المتداولة حديثا

What you will learn
بعد انهاء الدورة ستكون قادر علي :
صناعة الشموع المخبوزة والتعرف علي تكنيك واسرار صنعها
صناعة اسكوبات الايس كريم وكريمة حشو لتزيين الكيك كاندل
صناعة فواكه وشوكولا تزيين الكيك كاندل
التعرف علي انواع شمع الصويا المختلفة والتمييز بينها
بونص اسس المشروع الناجح
بونص تصوير المنتجات باحترافية
بونص تسعير المنتج
احتياطات السلامة للمشروع
Why take this course?
أهلًا وسهلًا! أود أن أشكرك على الاهتمام بالكورس الذي قمت بإعداه، وأنا متحمس أن يحظنك ويساعدك في طور أي مهارة أو تقدم معرفة جديدة في مجال الصناعة والإنتاج للكيك والكريم. Egyptian Arabic (EA), also known as Egyptian colloquial Arabic, is a variety of spoken Arabic used in Egypt. It differs significantly from Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) and is the lingua franca among the people of Egypt. Your message is written in EA, and it's clear that you've aimed to create a comprehensive and practical course for those interested in confectionery products, specifically focusing on the use of vegetable fats for cake making, which is an essential aspect of the craft.
Regarding the copyright notice, you've correctly stated that any publication or sharing of the course content requires your explicit written permission to avoid any legal issues. This is a important point to ensure that your intellectual property rights are protected.
Your course outline covers a range of topics from making decorated cupcakes and iced cakes to creating various types of chocolate-decorated cakes, understanding different types of cake frostings, and the nuances between them. It also touches on the basics of starting a business, product photography, pricing strategies, safety considerations for your project, and providing valuable insights from your own experience.
I would like to highlight a few key points that could be beneficial to both you and your students:
Course Structure: Ensure that each topic is well-structured and progressive, building upon the previous lessons to facilitate learning and skill development.
Practical Application: Encourage hands-on practice by possibly including video demonstrations or live workshops where students can apply what they've learned.
Feedback Mechanism: Set up a system for students to submit their work for review and receive personalized feedback to help them improve.
Support and Resources: Provide additional resources such as articles, tutorials, or even a community forum where students can discuss challenges and share experiences.
Updates and Adaptability: Keep the course content updated with the latest trends, techniques, and industry standards.
Marketing: Utilize effective marketing strategies to reach potential students who are passionate about confectionery and eager to learn from an experienced professional like yourself.
Certification: Consider offering a certificate of completion to incentivize learning and to provide students with a tangible benefit that they can showcase in their future endeavors.
Your course seems to be comprehensive and well-thought-out, and with the right execution and promotion, it has the potential to be highly beneficial for anyone looking to enter or enhance their skills within the confectionery industry. I wish you success in your endeavor and hope that your students find value and joy in the knowledge and experiences you share.