AWS Serverless APIs & Apps - A Complete Introduction

Get into serverless computing with API Gateway, AWS Lambda and other Amazon Web Services! Zero server config APIs & SPAs

4.67 (13547 reviews)
Web Development
AWS Serverless APIs & Apps - A Complete Introduction
8 hours
May 2023
last update
regular price

What you will learn

Build, secure and run APIs without managing any servers using AWS API Gateway and Lambda

Host SPAs without managing any servers

Add user authentication to serverless applications

Run code on-demand in the cloud

Why take this course?

Serverless computing will shape the future of web development since it allows you to get rid of many issues "traditional" web hosting poses.

Now's the perfect time to dive into this exciting new technology!

Unlike in traditional web hosting, where you spin up servers, configure them and then deploy your code, in serverless applications, you don't manage any servers! Instead, you only provide your code and define when it should get executed. Done!

Without managing any servers, you typically pay way less (since you got no overhead capacity), can react much better to incoming traffic spikes and don't have to worry about server security!

For these very reasons, it's no wonder that serverless computing is on the rise, with more and more companies adopting it! Learn it now to gain an edge and either use it for your own projects or apply for high-paid jobs!

What does this course offer then?

This course will introduce you to serverless computing and then quickly dive into how to build serverless apps with Amazon Web Services (AWS).

Specifically, you will learn:

  • how you can build a REST API without worrying about servers, using AWS API Gateway

  • to set up your on-demand code via AWS Lambda 

  • how to execute that Lambda code whenever incoming requests reach your defined REST endpoints

  • how you can store data in a database - naturally without managing any database servers!

We won't stop there though! Instead, you'll then dive even deeper into serverless computing and learn:

  • how you can add user authentication to your existing frontend apps and how you can then also protect your REST API against unauthenticated access with ease!

  • how you can easily integrate a complete user sign up & sign in flow (including user confirmation) into ANY app (web app, iOS or Android app!) with AWS Cognito

  • how to deploy your web app in a serverless manner

  • how to speed up the delivery of your static web app assets

  • how to secure your serverless app

  • what else you can build with the services covered in this course and which other services might be interesting to you

  • where to dive deeper regarding advanced development workflows 

  • and much more!

Is this course for you?

Now that you know what this course offers, is it the right choice for you? Which skills should you bring?

This course is absolutely the right choice for you if you're interested in providing great web applications without worrying about the provisioning of servers.

It's also the right choice if you already got experience as a system administrator but are interested in keeping up with the latest developments and the many new possibilities serverless computing offers.

You will need some basic AWS knowledge, or the willingness to dive deeper into AWS alongside taking this course. Additionally, a credit card is required for signing up to AWS.

Finally, you should be familiar with APIs and SPAs (Single-Page-Applications) and which role they play in today's web development environment. You don't need to know how to create them though.

I'd be very happy to welcome you on board! 


Getting Started

What is AWS?
AWS - A Closer Look (Optional)
Join our Online Learning Community
What is Serverless Development?
Does AWS Cost Money?
AWS Signup & First Serverless API
Why AWS?
Course Structure
How to get the Most out of this Course
How to use the File Downloads

The Core Serverless Services

Module Introduction
An Overview over the Core Serverless Services
More Info about the Core Services
The Course Project

Creating an API with API Gateway & AWS Lambda

Module Introduction
What is API Gateway?
API Gateway: Useful Resources & Links
Accessing the API Gateway Console
General API Gateway Features
Understanding AWS Permissions (IAM)
API-specific Features & Options
Introducing the Request-Response Cycle
Understanding the Request-Response Cycle
Creating a New API
Creating a Resource (= URL Path)
Handling CORS and the OPTIONS Preflight Request
Creating a (HTTP) Method
What is AWS Lambda?
AWS Lambda: Useful Resources & Links
Improved Lambda Console
Creating a Lambda Function
Lambda Pricing & Uploading Code
Connecting Lambda Functions to API Gateway Endpoints
Accessing the API from the Web & Fixing CORS Issues
Understanding "event" in Lambda Functions
Forwarding Requests with "Proxy Integration"
Accessing Lambda Logs
Getting Started with Body Mapping Templates
Extracting Request Data with Body Mapping Templates
What's the Idea behind Body Mappings?
Understanding Body Mapping Templates
Mapping Response Data
Using Models & Validating Requests
Understanding JSON Schemas
Models & Mappings
Next Steps
Adding a DELETE Method Endpoint to the API
Using Path Parameters
What about Query Parameters?
Accessing the API from the Web - The Right Way
Wrap Up

Data Storage with DynamoDB

Module Introduction
What is DynamoDB?
AWS: DynamoDB Useful Resources & Links
How DynamoDB Organizes Data
Using DynamoDB with Lambda
Creating a Table in DynamoDB
Understanding Read & Write Capacity
On-Demand Capacity
Creating and Scanning Items
What about multiple Databases?
Accessing DynamoDB from Lambda
DynamoDB Concepts
Sidenote: How Lambda works behind the Scenes
Putting Items into a DynamoDB Table from Lambda
Setting Permissions Right
Using API Gateway (Request) Data for Item Creation
Mapping the Response & Web Testing
Scanning Data in DynamoDB from Lambda
Improving the IAM Permissions
Restructuring Fetched Data in Lambda
Getting a Single Item from DynamoDB via Lambda
Testing it from the Web & Passing Correct Data
Preparing "Delete" Permissions
Giving Lambda Logging Rights
Deleting Items in DynamoDB via Lambda
Mapping DynamoDB Responses
Wrap Up

Authenticating Users with Cognito and API Gateway Authorizers

Module Introduction
How to add Authorization to API Gateway
Understanding Custom Authorizers (API Gateway)
Creating a Custom Authorizer Function
Custom Authorizers: Provided Input & Expected Output
MUST READ: New UI for setting up Custom Authorizers
Using Custom Authorizers
Retrieving Users from Custom Authorizers
What is AWS Cognito?
AWS Cognito: Useful Resources & Links
Cognito User Pools and Federated Identities
Creating a Cognito User Pool
Understanding the Cognito Auth Flow
The Example Web App, Angular and TypeScript
Adding Cognito to a Frontend App - Getting Started
Using Cognito in iOS or Android Apps
Adding Signup to the Frontend App
Adding User Confirmation to a Frontend App
Adding Signin to a Frontend App
Managing User State with Cognito
Using a Cognito Authorizer with API Gateway
Passing the right User ID to Lambda
Using Query Params & Cognito from Lambda
More on the Cognito Identity Service Provider
Passing Query Params from the Frontend
Passing the User Id to the DELETE Endpoint
Wrap Up

Hosting a Serverless SPA

Module Introduction
What is S3?
AWS S3: Useful Resources & Links
Creating a S3 Bucket
Uploading the Web App to the Bucket
Using S3 for Hosting
Turning a S3 Bucket into a Static Webserver
Setting up Logging
Optimizing Content Delivery: What is AWS CloudFront?
AWS CloudFront: Useful Resources & Links
Setting up a CloudFront Distribution
Finishing the CloudFront Setup
Using a Custom Domain: What is Route53?
AWS Route53: Useful Resources & Links
Registering a Domain
Connecting a Domain to a CloudFront Distribution
Wrap Up

Beyond the Basics - An Outlook

Module Introduction
Documenting an API
Other AWS Lambda Triggers
Going Serverless with a Node/ Express App (Non-API!)
Running Node/ Express Apps via Lambda + API Gateway
Pros and Cons of Serverless Node/Express MPA
Learn more about AWS Serverless + Express Apps
Serverless Apps and Security
A Case of a Better Development Workflow
Getting to know the Serverless Framework
More about the Serverless Framework
Getting to know SAM (Serverless Application Model) by AWS
More about the Serverless Application Model (SAM)
Testing Serverless Apps with localstack
Other useful AWS Services
Wrap Up
Useful Resources & Links

Course Roundup

Bonus: More Content!


AWS Serverless APIs & Apps - A Complete Introduction - Screenshot_01AWS Serverless APIs & Apps - A Complete Introduction - Screenshot_02AWS Serverless APIs & Apps - A Complete Introduction - Screenshot_03AWS Serverless APIs & Apps - A Complete Introduction - Screenshot_04

Our review

--- **Overview and Rating:** The global course rating for this specific course is 4.67 out of 5 stars, with all recent reviews considered. The majority of learners found the course content valuable despite some concerns regarding its up-to-dateness. Many students appreciated Maximilian's teaching style and the foundational knowledge imparted, even as they encountered challenges due to outdated references and code. --- **Pros:** - **Comprehensive Content:** Many learners found the course content to be fine or even excellent for understanding the basics of AWS services and APIs. - **Clear Explanations:** Maximilian's teaching approach was praised for being clear, concise, and relevant by multiple students who have taken other courses from him. - **Real-world Application:** Some learners successfully applied the knowledge gained to set up serverless applications on AWS, indicating practical utility. - **Stepping Stone for Beginners:** The course was described as a great starting point for those new to the subject matter or serverless architecture. - **Relevant Teaching Style:** Maximilian's style was highlighted as an asset, making even complex topics understandable and engaging. - **Encouragement for Self-learning:** The course prompted learners to engage in problem-solving and additional research, which some found to be a valuable skill. **Cons:** - **Outdated Content:** A significant number of reviews pointed out that the course material is outdated, particularly concerning the use of older versions of Node.js, AWS console interfaces, and technologies like Angular 4 in the frontend app. - **Requires Additional Effort:** Learners had to invest extra time and effort to troubleshoot and update code due to outdated references. - **UI Changes:** The UI of AWS services has changed since the course was recorded, making navigation and execution of tasks more challenging. - **Inconsistency in Recommendation:** There is a discrepancy between some reviews that recommend this course for beginners and others that suggest seeking more current resources or updating the course content. - **Misleading Initial Content:** Some learners felt overwhelmed by initial slides that seemed to skip foundational steps, which could be intimidating for newcomers. - **Expectation of Current Content:** A few reviews expressed disappointment with the outdated nature of the course and suggested that if the course is updated, it would be a worthier investment. --- **Summary:** This course by Academind offers valuable foundational knowledge on AWS services and serverless architecture through clear explanations and practical examples. However, learners should be aware that some parts of the course are outdated and may require additional research or updating to apply in current contexts. Maximilian's teaching style is consistently praised, making even complex topics accessible. The course is recommended for beginners but with caution, as it may necessitate a supplemental effort to align with the latest AWS features and best practices. If you are an experienced learner looking to refresh your knowledge or a beginner willing to put in extra work, this course could still be beneficial.


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