Automatizando Campanhas de Email Marketing com Mautic

Crie campanhas automatizadas utilizando a melhor ferramenta Opensource de Email Marketing: o Mautic

4.45 (329 reviews)
Analytics & Automation
Automatizando Campanhas de Email Marketing com Mautic
2 hours
Jul 2023
last update
regular price

What you will learn

Aprender as principais funcionalidades do Mautic.

Criar uma campanha automatizada de Email Marketing.

Why take this course?

🌟 **Crie Campanhas Automatizadas com Mautic: Domine a Melhor Ferramenta OpenSource de Email Marketing** 🌟 --- ### **Sobre o Curso** ATENÇÃO: Este curso foca em manusear o Mautic para criar campanhas automatizadas, não aborda a instalação ou configuração inicial do software. Se você já tem o Mautic configurado e está buscando elevar seu Email Marketing para o próximo nível, você esteve certo no lugar! --- ### **O que Você Aprenderá** 🎓 **Fundamentos do Mautic:** Entenda as capacidades e como explorar a interface de usuário para gerenciar suas campanhas com facilidade. 🤖 **Automatização de Fluxos de E-mails:** Aprenda a criar sequências de e-mails que se executam automaticamente, adaptando sua mensagem ao comportamento do usuário. 📊 **Análise de Dados e Insights:** Descubra como coletar dados valiosos para entender seu público e otimizar suas campanhas com base em métricas concretas. 🚀 **Estratégia de Marketing Digital:** Veja como a automação de e-mails pode ser uma peça chave no seu plano de marketing digital, aumentando o engajamento e gerando mais leads. --- ### **Por que Escolher Mautic?** Mautic: A Solução de Email Marketing para Todos
Com o lançamento em 2014 por David Hurley, o Mautic rapidamente se tornou a primeira plataforma de Automação de Email Marketing gratuita e de código aberto (opensource). Suas vantagens são claras: custo-benefício excepcional, ideal para PMEs em busca de uma solução robusta e econômica. --- ### **Impacto e Popularidade** Impacto no Mercado
O Mautic já é usado por mais de 200.000 empresas em todo o mundo e suporta mais de 35 idiomas diferentes. A comunidade global de desenvolvedores PHP tem contribuído significativamente para o seu desenvolvimento, assegurando que ele permaneça atualizado e aprimorado. --- ### **Estrutura do Curso** Conteúdos e Visão Geral
Neste curso, você irá: - **Explorar as Funcionalidades Principais do Mautic:** Conheça o que a plataforma tem a oferecer. - **Construir uma Campanha de Email Marketing:** Crie uma Squeeze Page e ofereça um brinde para encorajar inscrições. - **Analisar Dados:** Ao final da campanha, obtenha insights valiosos sobre seu público e like. --- ### **Para Quem é Este Curso** Este curso é ideal para: - **Especialistas em Marketing:** Quiere ampliar suas habilidades com automação de e-mails. - **Empreendedores e PMEs:** Buscando uma solução de Email Marketing econômica e eficiente. - **Desenvolvedores PHP e Entusiastas do Mautic:** Que desejam entender melhor o uso da plataforma para campanhas de marketing. --- ### **Não Perca a Oportunidade** Aproveite para transformar suas campanhas de Email Marketing e tirar o máximo proveito da automação com o Mautic! 💌🚀

Our review

--- ### **Overview of the Course** The course in question provides an introduction to using the Mautic marketing automation platform. It is designed for individuals who are new to email marketing and Mautic, aiming to give them a foundational understanding of how to set up and manage campaigns within the software. The course has been well-received by recent reviewers, with many highlighting the clarity and usefulness of the content provided by the instructor, Hugo. ### **Pros** - **Clarity and Insight**: Reviewers appreciated the clear explanations provided by the instructor, Hugo, who offered valuable insights into marketing automation for those who are familiar with digital marketing trends. - **Practical Orientation**: The course is praised for being practical and hands-on, offering a real-world application of Mautic's features. - **Beginner-Friendly**: It is noted to be well-suited for beginners who are looking to understand the basics of email marketing and Mautic. - **Positive Impact**: Many learners reported that the course has given them confidence in using Mautic, with some already planning to further invest in the platform after completing the course. ### **Cons** - **Misleading Title**: Some learners felt that the course title may lead to the impression that it covers the entirety of Mautic's capabilities when, in fact, it focuses on basic introductory concepts and setups. - **Pacing and Content Depth**: A few reviewers pointed out that the pacing could be slower, allowing for more comprehensive explanations. Additionally, there was a suggestion for more detailed examples and the inclusion of additional campaign types to fully utilize the software's potential. - **Platform Performance**: One learner mentioned that the platform used for delivering the course experienced long loading times, which may unnecessarily extend the duration of the course without adding value. - **Nomenclature**: Some users felt that the course name does not accurately reflect its content, as it does not cover the full range of Mautic's features, particularly the initial setup configuration. ### **Course Content and Structure** The course is structured to guide learners through the basic functionalities of Mautic. It includes setting up a new account, understanding the interface, segmenting audiences, creating campaigns, and sending out emails. The content provided is intended for those who are just starting with Mautic or email marketing in general. ### **Instructor's Approach** Hugo's approach to teaching the course has been commended for its clarity and objectivity, making complex concepts accessible to beginners. The instructor provides valuable insights that are beneficial for those who are already familiar with digital marketing. ### **Room for Improvement** - **Curriculum Expansion**: To improve the course, it could include more comprehensive examples of campaigns and a deeper dive into advanced features. - **Naming Clarity**: The title could be revised to more accurately reflect what the course entails, especially regarding the scope of Mautic's functionality covered. - **Technical Performance**: Ensuring that the delivery platform is optimized for performance can help maintain learner engagement and improve overall satisfaction with the course. ### **Conclusion** Overall, this course is a valuable introduction to Mautic for beginners in email marketing. It provides a solid foundation and practical knowledge that can be built upon for more advanced work with the platform. With some improvements, such as expanding on campaign examples and refining the course name and structure, it could serve an even wider audience effectively.



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