Aprende Photoshop de 0 a 100
Ejercicios básicos y avanzados.

What you will learn
Aspectos esenciales del software
Moverse por el entorno de photoshop
Crear y guardar Archivos
Exportar Archivos
Trabajar con las capas
Hacer selecciones simples y complejas
Prácticas sobre selecciones simples y selecciones complejas
Transformaciones simples y complejas
Prácticas sobre transformaciones simples y complejas
Herramientas de recorte
Pinceles y como crear pinceles , tanto simples como avanzados
Herramienta de retoque fotográfico pincel corrector puntual
Herramienta de retoque fotográfico pincel corrector
Herramienta de retoque fotográfico Parche
Herramienta de retoque fotográfico Tampón de clonar
Herramienta de quitar ojos rojos
Como usar la herramienta de sobrexponer , subexponer
Trabajo con capas avanzado (Capas de ajuste)
Trabajo con capas avanzado(Efectos de las capas)
Modos de fusión de capas .
Why take this course?
¡Hasta ahora! Has proporcionado una lista exhaustiva de los formatos de archivo que Photoshop puede trabajar con, tanto para imágenes vectoriales como rasterizadas. Cada formato tiene sus características y usos específicos, desde la creación de gráficos web hasta la preparación de imágenes para publicación en impresión profesional.
Recuerda que con cada versión de Photoshop, Adobe añade soporte para nuevos formatos y mejora la compatibilidad con otros. Además, la evolución de tecnologías web y gráficas también puede influir en cuál de estos formatos se utiliza más comúnmente.
Si necesitas trabajar con algún formato específico o tienes alguna otra pregunta sobre Photoshop o edición de imágenes, ¡no dudes en preguntar!

Our review
🌟 Overall Course Review
The online course in question has received an impressive global rating of 4.30, reflecting the overall satisfaction of its participants. The recent reviews have been overwhelmingly positive, highlighting the course's effectiveness and engaging delivery.
- Productivity and Comprehensive Learning: Many students found the course extremely productive, offering a comprehensive learning experience that covers basic to advanced topics in Photoshop.
- Engaging Instruction: The instructor's teaching style was described as very clear and pleasant, with detailed explanations and practical examples that enhance understanding.
- Useful Tools and Resources: The course includes additional tools for drawing, which were appreciated by those who needed them.
- Progressive Improvement from Instructor: There was a general consensus that the instructor improved over time, becoming more comfortable and confident as the course progressed.
- Technical Glitches: One review mentioned a technical issue where an antivirus software interrupted the recording at one point.
- Language Content: Occasional use of slang or colloquial language was noted, suggesting that while the instruction is engaging, students should be prepared for some informal language use.
- Clarity in Explanations: Some students pointed out that there were moments when the instructor did not clearly explain what he was doing, particularly during tasks involving simple selections and the use of "Intelligent Mode."
Additional Notes:
- The course's content is considered very basic to advanced, making it suitable for a wide range of skill levels.
- The course is reportedly entertaining as well as educational, which can contribute positively to student engagement and retention.
In summary, this Photoshop course is highly regarded by its students for being both productive and comprehensive, with an engaging teaching style that facilitates learning and practical application. While there are some technical and content-related issues to address, the positive feedback indicates that the course offers valuable knowledge and skills in using Photoshop effectively. With minor improvements on clarity and technical consistency, this course promises to be a valuable resource for students of all skill levels looking to master Photoshop.