
Crea tu Data Warehouse en Google BigQuery! - INTENSIVO

Completo en Español! Incorpora conceptos y ten algo de práctica!

4.03 (79 reviews)
Crea tu Data Warehouse en Google BigQuery!  - INTENSIVO
10 937
1 hour
Mar 2022
last update
regular price

What you will learn

Aprenderás a encarar proyectos de datos!

Sabrás qué es Google BigQuery y para qué se usa

Cómo cargar datos a la plataforma de Google Cloud Platform - Bigquery (paso a paso)

Cómo consultar los datos en Bigquery

Usos prácticos de Bigquery

Why take this course?

🚀 Crea tu Data Warehouse en Google BigQuery! - INTENSIVO 📊✨

Completo en Español! ¿Listo para incorporar conceptos y tener algo de práctica? ¡Únete a este curso intensivo impartido por el experto Adrián Javier Tagüico y transforma tu manera de manejar datos!

¿Por qué participar en este curso?

  • Introducción al Mundo de los Datos: Desde cero, explora cómo potenciar tus habilidades analíticas.
  • Acceso Fácil a Herramientas de Vanguardia: Aprende sobre Google Cloud Platform y dominia Google BigQuery, dos gigantes en el manejo de datos.
  • Proyectos Prácticos en tu Área: Ya sean lider de equipo o empresario emeredido, este curso te guiará paso a paso para manejar tus propios proyectos de datos. 🔍
  • Práctica Intensiva: No solo te teórico, sino que desde el primer día estarás sumergido en la acción real.

¡Inicia la Aventura en la Práctica!

🌐 Conoce Interfaz y Acciones Preliminares: Empieza familiarizándote con el entorno de BigQuery.

  • Carga de Datos: Aprende a importar datos desde diversas fuentes, comprendiendo sus particularidades y limitaciones.
  • Consultas con SQL: Sin temor si no dominas SQL, nos enfocaremos en ejemplos sencillos que te harán amigo de esta poderosa lengua de consulta.
  • Datos de Uso Libre: Descubre cómo acceder y utilizar datos gratuitamente para tu práctica.

Domina Google BigQuery

  • Explorando Más: Dive aún más en la herramienta, con referencias a la documentación oficial de Google Cloud para que puedas aprender más allá del curso.
  • Mejores Prácticas: Conoce las estrategias recomendadas para optimizar tu uso de BigQuery y comenzar proyectos reales.
  • Aplicando lo Aprendido: Útiliza todo el potencial que BigQuery ofrece para realizar tareas significativas en el ámbito del Big Data. 🎯


Al finalizar este curso, estarás listo para aplicar lo aprendido y liderar proyectos de datos con una herramienta que te abrirá puertas en el mundo del Big Data. Adrián Javier Taguico, un entusiasta de la data, te guiará paso a paso para que puedas aprovechar al máximo todo lo que Google BigQuery ofrece.

👨‍🏫 Instructor: Adrián Javier Taguico 📈

¿Estás listo para transformar tus datos y convertirte en un experto en Google BigQuery? ¡Inscríbete ya y comienza tu viaje hacia el conocimiento en datos! 🚀🎉


Crea tu Data Warehouse en Google BigQuery!  - INTENSIVO - Screenshot_01Crea tu Data Warehouse en Google BigQuery!  - INTENSIVO - Screenshot_02Crea tu Data Warehouse en Google BigQuery!  - INTENSIVO - Screenshot_03Crea tu Data Warehouse en Google BigQuery!  - INTENSIVO - Screenshot_04

Our review

🌟 Overall Course Review

The course has garnered a global rating of 3.85, indicating that the majority of students have found it valuable but with some areas for improvement. The recent reviews, analyzed below, highlight both the strengths and weaknesses of the course, which are crucial for potential learners to consider before enrolling.

🔹 Pros

  • Practical and Concise: Several students have praised the course for being practical and concise. It provides clear examples that are easy to understand and apply in real-world scenarios, particularly with Google Cloud tools.

  • Comprehensive Overview: The course successfully covers the different offerings of its subject matter within a reasonable time frame, roughly an hour, which is appreciated by learners.

  • Resourceful: At least one student mentioned that additional resources like sample CSV files for hands-on practice would have been beneficial, suggesting that even in areas identified as weak, there are opportunities to enhance the learning experience.

  • Beginner-Friendly: Despite finding the course too basic, a student's opinion indicates that the course could still be suitable for beginners or those looking for a foundational understanding of the subject.

🔹 Cons

  • Audio Quality Concern: One learner pointed out that the instructor's voice made it difficult to concentrate on the material being presented, which could affect engagement and comprehension.

  • Inadequate Explanation: Another student felt confused about whether the steps demonstrated in the course were indeed part of the course content, suggesting a need for clearer instruction or better course structure.

  • Insufficient Depth: A few students believe the course could delve deeper into its subject matter. They suggest that the instructor could provide more detailed explanations and insights to add more value to the learning experience.

  • Initiative and Empresarial Context: One learner, who initiated the course for personal development rather than entrepreneurial purposes, felt there was a lack of guidance on how to continue learning beyond the 90-day mark. This feedback suggests that the course might not cater adequately to learners from different backgrounds or learning objectives.

In summary, the course is generally considered practical and concise, with a good overview of its subject matter. However, some students felt that the audio quality could be improved, and others suggested that more depth and additional resources would enhance the learning experience. It's also important to note that while the course is beginner-friendly, some learners may find it too basic or not tailored enough to their specific needs if they are not beginners or are using the course for purposes other than personal interest. Overall, with some improvements, the course has the potential to be a more enriching and comprehensive learning tool.



Crea tu Data Warehouse en Google BigQuery!  - INTENSIVO - Price chart


Crea tu Data Warehouse en Google BigQuery!  - INTENSIVO - Ratings chart

Enrollment distribution

Crea tu Data Warehouse en Google BigQuery!  - INTENSIVO - Distribution chart


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