All kinds of plant tissue culture concepts

simple understanding of full plant tissue culture

3.50 (32 reviews)
All kinds of plant tissue culture concepts
7 hours
Apr 2023
last update
regular price

What you will learn

plant tissue culture introduction

steps of plant tissue culture

callus culture stages steps

cell suspention culture

batch culture types

continuous culture

open continuous culture

closed continuous culture

Difference between Batch and continuous culture

Meristem culture

meristem culture steps

meristem culture application

Protoplast culture

Fusion of protoplast

Application of protoplast

Bud culture

Axillary bud culture

seed culture

Embryo culture

Embryo culture applications

Anther culture

Factors of anther culture

Anther culture applications

Anther culture limitations

Plant tissue culture media preparation and growth regulators

Major types of Media

MS media

B5 media

N6 Media

Nitches media

Classification of Plant tissue culture

inorganic nutrients

Carbon Energy sources

Macro nutrients

Micro nutrients

Difference between macro and micro nutrients

Organic supplements


Amino acids

other organic supplements

activated charcoal


Growth regulators




Plant growth promoters

Plant growth functions

Plant growth applications

commercial usage

plant growth inhibitors


applications of ABA

effects of ABA

Ethaline uses

Solidifying agents


PH of Medium

Suitable, selection and sterilization of medium


Why take this course?

🌱 Understanding Plant Tissue Culture: A Simplified Guide

Welcome to our comprehensive course on "All Kinds of Plant Tissue Culture Concepts"! Dive into the fascinating world of plant biotechnology with the guidance of expert botanist Sowjanya Chollangi. Discover the foundational concepts and techniques behind plant tissue culture, a field pioneered by Gottlieb Haberlandt, known as the "Father of Tissue Culture."

Course Highlights:

🚀 Who is the Father of Tissue Culture?

  • Gottlieb Haberlandt (28 November 1854 - 30 January 1945) laid the groundwork for our understanding of plant tissue culture. His concept of totipotentiality revolutionized the field.

🌱 Explant: The Key to Regeneration

  • An explant is a segment of a plant with the ability to regenerate into a whole new plant. We'll explore how to select the right explant for your tissue culture needs.

Step-by-Step Tissue Culture Process:

  1. Explant for Callus Culture

    • Begin by choosing the right explant from different parts of the plant, which may include leaves, stems, or roots.
  2. Surface Sterilization

    • Learn the critical steps to sterilize your explant to prevent contamination and ensure a healthy culture.
  3. Factors Affecting Callus Culture

    • Understand how physical factors (like light and temperature) and growth regulators influence callus formation and development.
  4. Suspension Culture from Callus

    • Transition from callus to suspension culture for large-scale propagation.

🔬 Understanding Callus Culture

  • Discover the role of callus culture, a mass of undifferentiated plant cells that can give rise to new plants or organs.

Key Factors Influencing Callus Culture:

  • Explore the various media options, such as MS, B5, N6, and Nichols media, and their roles in supporting plant growth.

Classification of Plant Tissue Culture:

  • Learn about the types of media used in tissue culture, including inorganic nutrients, carbon sources, macro and micro nutrients, organic supplements like vitamins and amino acids, and the importance of antibiotics and growth regulators.

Growth Regulators and Their Role:

  • A deep dive into auxins, cytokinins, gibberellins, and how they promote or inhibit plant growth, including a look at the functions and applications in both commercial and research settings.

🌱 Plant Growth Inhibitors:

  • Understand the role of ABA (abscisic acid) and its various applications.

Practical Applications:

  • Discover how to select, sterilize, and solidify your culture medium, ensuring the optimal pH for your plant's growth.

🎓 Overview of Plant Tissue Culture Techniques:

  • By the end of this course, you'll have a solid understanding of the practical aspects of plant tissue culture, from the theoretical foundations to the hands-on techniques.

Why Take This Course?

  • Whether you're a student, researcher, or professional in the field of agriculture and horticulture, this course will equip you with the knowledge to successfully cultivate plants in vitro. You'll learn how to manipulate plant growth for various purposes, from crop improvement to rare plant propagation.

Join us on this intellectual adventure into the world of plant tissue culture. Enroll now and unlock the potential of plants like never before! 🌱✨


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