Lógica Programação VisualG, C++, Python, C#, Java + Projetos
Aprenda programar criando Algoritmos em 4 linguagens e crie projetos com interface e Banco de Dados SQLite

What you will learn
Aprenda Lógica de Programação usando 4 linguagens, VisualG, C++, Python, C# e Java
Crie robôs que manipulam o Computador, Automatize Tarefas e Extraia Dados da WEB usando Python e Selenium
Aprenda criar 4 projetos com interface gráfica com banco de dados SQLite um em cada linguagem e também aprenda como criar 4 jogos com Android Studio e Java
Pratique com vários Exercícios
Tipos de Dados
Comando de Entrada de Dados
Função Se
Escolha Caso
Repita Até
POO - Programação Orientado a Objeto
Push Button
Caixa Mensagens
Radio Button
Check box
Combo box
Barra Status e Barra de Título
Formulário com Imagens
List widget
Table Widget
Why take this course?
¡Hola! Parece que estás listando los temas y resúmenes de varios cursos de programación, incluyendo C++ con QT Creator, Python, Java y C#. Estos son lenguajes de programación muy utilizados en el mundo de la informática y cada uno tiene su propio conjunto de herramientas y frameworks asociados. Aquí te doy una breve descripción de cada lenguaje y algunos de los aspectos que mencionaste:
C++ con QT Creator:
- C++ es un lenguaje de programación de alto nivel, orientado a sistemas, conocido por su rendimiento y su capacidad para trabajar a nivel de hardware.
- QT Creator es un entorno de desarrollo integrado (IDE) que se utiliza para desarrollar aplicaciones con el framework QT, que permite la creación de interfaces gráficas de usuario y aplicaciones multiplataforma.
- Es un lenguaje de programación de alto nivel, interpretado y de propósito general, conocido por su sintaxis clara y legible.
- Se utiliza en una amplia gama de aplicaciones, desde desarrollo web y automatización hasta ciencia de datos y aprendizaje de máquina.
- Es un lenguaje de programación orientado a objetos, compilado y robusto, diseñado para ser plataforma independiente (Write Once, Run Anywhere - Escrito una vez, ejecutado en cualquier lugar).
- Se utiliza en una variedad de sistemas empresariales, aplicaciones web, android desarrollo e incluso en supercomputadoras.
Jogos com Java e Android Studio:
- Aparte del uso general de Java, este curso se enfoca en el desarrollo de juegos, utilizando herramientas como Android Studio y la API de gráficos de Java (JFX).
- Es un lenguaje de programación de propósito general, creado por Microsoft y utilizado en su ecosistema .NET.
- C# se utiliza para desarrollar aplicaciones Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), Windows Forms (WinForms), y aplicaciones web con ASP.NET, entre otros.
Cada uno de estos cursos te habilitará con conocimientos valiosos en programación y te preparará para enfrentar diferentes desafíos en el mundo del desarrollo de software. Si estás considerando inscribirte en estos cursos, es una excelente decisión. El aprendizaje continuo es clave en la industria tecnológica, y dominar varios lenguajes puede abrir muchas puertas de oportunidades.

Our review
Overview of the Course: The course has received an overwhelmingly positive response from recent reviewers, with a global rating of 4.77. The reviews praise the clarity and effectiveness of the instruction, the comprehensive content, and the instructor's expertise. Many learners report that the course is suitable for beginners, and others appreciate the extensive knowledge displayed by the instructor, particularly in the fields of computing, programming, Office Suite packages, and more.
Pros of the Course:
- High-Quality Content: The course material is described as extensive, well-explained, and of high quality.
- Clear Instruction: The instructor's didactic skills are commended for making complex subjects understandable.
- Engaging and Interactive: The course design is noted to facilitate easy follow-along with the video lessons, with plenty of exercises for practice.
- Instructor Responsiveness: The instructor is responsive in the Q&A section, promptly addressing learners' questions and doubts.
- Great for Beginners: Learners with no prior knowledge of programming have found the course useful for gaining a fundamental understanding.
- Comprehensive Coverage: The content is deemed comprehensive, covering a wide range of topics within the subject matter.
- Enjoyable Teaching Style: Some learners have found the instruction to be engaging and even entertaining, with one noting a resemblance to Manoel Gomes's voice (a famous Brazilian comedian).
Cons of the Course:
- Pace for Beginners: A few reviewers found the initial pace of the course too fast, suggesting a slower explanation for newcomers would be beneficial.
- Teaching Methodology: Some learners felt the instructor could be more pedagogical in their approach, with one specifically mentioning the need for a clearer explanation of conditional boolean statements.
- Use of Specific Software: One learner expressed that while they found the content interesting, they believed the use of VisualG, which is not a programming language, could be replaced with another to teach logical programming concepts.
- First Impression Concerns: A couple of learners left feedback after only a few lessons, noting that they were still at the beginning stages and couldn't fully evaluate the course but found the didactic approach good thus far.
- Bias in Teaching Style: One reviewer noted that while the instructor seemed knowledgeable, their teaching style lacked diversity and could be improved with more promenade or varied explanations.
Conclusion: Overall, this course is highly recommended for individuals looking to start their journey into programming, with a strong focus on Java. The positive feedback from learners emphasizes the quality of instruction and content. However, some improvements can be made in terms of pacing for beginners, pedagogical clarity, and potentially replacing certain software or tools that may not be as universally recognized. The course's didactic approach and responsive instructor are among its strongest assets, making it a valuable resource for anyone interested in learning about programming through practical and comprehensive training.


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