Scrum Training + Certification Prep +Practice Tests

3 courses in 1: Agile Scrum Training + Preparation for the PSM 1 ® Certification + 2 Practice Tests of 80 Questions

4.17 (42 reviews)
IT Certification
Scrum Training + Certification Prep +Practice Tests
4 715
2 hours
Jan 2025
last update
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What you will learn

Agile/Scrum Training + Scrum Certification Prep + Mock Practice tests

Designed keeping Scrum. org Professional Scrum Master® I (PSM I®) certification assessment in mind

Section 1: This Section discuss Agile  and Scrum Framework in detail.

Section 2: This Section focuses on major topics in Scrum Master Certifications and discuss how to approach questions from each area.

Section 3:This Section has 2 practice tests of 80 questions each. Questions range from basic to expert level Explanations are given while reviewing the answers.

Completion Certificate from Udemy

Course designed by Certified Agile Coach with extensive experience

Follows scrum as described in the The Scrum Guide.

Why take this course?



产品所有者 (Product Owner)

  • 角色: 负责最终决策,确保产品背景的优先顺序得到实施,并与利益相关者沟通以获得对产品的支持。
  • 冲突解决: 产品所有者应该能够管理利益相关者的期望,处理优先级之间的冲突,并确保团队专注于正确的任务。

开发团队 (Development Team)

  • 角色: 负责实施产品背景中的功能,通过交付增量来推进产品的工作成果。
  • 冲突解决: 开发团队应该有效沟通,解决技术难题,并与产品所有者和敏捷利益相关者保持良好的合作关系。

敏捷度测师 (Scrum Master)

  • 角色: 确保团队遵循Scrum规则,解决团队在实施Scrum时遇到的任何问题和阻碍,并促进团队的自我组织和改进。
  • 冲突解决: Scrum Master应该能够识别和管理内部和外部的冲突,帮助团队保持专注,并确保Scrum事件顺利进行。


产品后台 (Product Backlog)

  • 内容: 包含所有已知的工作项目,这些工作项目将为产品提供价值。
  • 管理: 产品所有者负责维护和优先排序产品后台。

增量 (Increment)

  • 定义: 每个Scrum迭代(Sprint)结束时,开发团队应该能够提供一个可交付的增量,该增量是实现产品所有者需求的一部分。
  • 重要性: 这些增量在迭代过程中累积起来,形成最终的产品。

估计 (Estimation)

  • 目的: 帮助团队理解和预测完成工作项目所需的时间和努力,以便更好地规划和优先排序工作。
  • 方法: 使用可追踪和一致的估计技术,如故事点(Story Points)或相 equivalent的单位。


Sprint Planning

  • 目的: 定义即将开始的Sprint所要完成的工作内容和优先顺序。

Daily Scrum

  • 目的: 每日都要进行,以确保团队成员同步整合工作进展,并针对明天的工作做出计划。

Sprint Review

  • 目的: 在Sprint结束时,评估已完成的增量,并与利益相关者确定下一个Sprint的优先工作项目。

Sprint Retrospective

  • 目的: 反思最近一个Sprint的经验,识别改进点,并计划在下一个Sprint中实施这些改进。

The Sprint

  • 时间框架: 一个 fixed(固定)时期的 iterations(迭代),通常持续4周,团队专注于完成一组可交付的功能。

Other Meetings

  • 目的: 除了Scrum事件之外,团队可能还会参与其他会议,如定期的回顾会议、规划会议等,以支持项目的成功实施。



  • 理解: 学习Scrum的原则和规则,包括AgileManifesto的12原则。
  • 应用: 将Scrum框架的概念应用到实际工作中,以便更好地理解其价值和挑战。


  • 敏捷与Scrum的关系: Scrum是一种具体的敏捷方法,了解其他敏捷方法和它们如何与Scrum相互作用也是有益的。
  • 敏捷实践: 探索敏捷实践,如Extreme Programming(XP)、Lean Software Development等,以获得更全面的视角。



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Our review

🌟 Course Overview and Rating 🌟

The course in question is aimed at individuals preparing for Scrum Master Certification. The global course rating stands at a strong 4.60, reflecting the mixed experiences of learners who have taken it. Below, we'll delve into the detailed feedback provided by recent reviewers to give you a comprehensive understanding of the course's strengths and areas for improvement.


  • Comprehensive Content: The course offers a full package, including training, certification preparation, and practice tests specific to the Scrum Master certification exams. (Reviewer 3)
  • Targeted Preparation: Particularly effective in preparing for the SM certification exams, with high-quality practice tests that are to the point and useful. (Reviewer 3)
  • Beginner-Friendly: Suitable for beginners looking to learn Agile Scrum from the basics. (Reviewer 4)
  • Diverse Learning Material: The course includes various materials, which can be beneficial for different types of learners. (Implied from general feedback)


  • Testing for Improvement: Some users suggested that small tests to apply the information learned would be helpful for reinforcing knowledge and preparing for practice tests. (Reviewer 1)
  • Language Errors: There are spelling and grammatical errors within the course material that can make some test questions and statements difficult to understand. A review and update of these issues are necessary. (Reviewer 1)
  • Audio Quality: At least one user reported poor audio quality, which may impede the learning experience. (Reviewer 2)
  • Confusing Information and Redundancy: Some learners found the information provided to be confusing and redundant, with unnecessary parts included to perhaps inflate the content volume. (Reviewer 2)
  • Inaccuracies: There are concerns about the accuracy of some information presented in the course and the practice tests. (Reviewer 2)
  • Customer Concerns: One reviewer expressed dissatisfaction with the course, raising issues of poor grammar, confusing content, and suggesting the possibility of a scam. They requested a refund. (Reviewer 2)

Additional Feedback:

  • A reviewer who initially found the course typical for Scrum training later appreciated its specificity and effectiveness in preparing for the SM certification exams. (Reviewer 3)
  • Another learner, new to Agile Scrum, found the course good after completing half of it, indicating potential value for those at various stages of learning. (Reviewer 4)


The course has received a generally positive reception from learners who have found its preparation for Scrum Master certification exams particularly valuable. However, there are significant concerns regarding the quality of some materials, including grammatical errors and audio clarity. It appears that the creators of the course need to address these issues to improve learner satisfaction and the overall effectiveness of the training. The course has potential, but it requires attention to detail and a focus on quality control to meet the high standards expected in professional certification preparation.

Note for Future Learners:

If considering this course for your Scrum Master Certification studies, be aware that while the content is comprehensive and includes practice exams, there are reports of language and quality issues. It may be beneficial to complement this course with additional resources or review materials to ensure a clear understanding of the concepts being taught.


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