Heal thy Roots, Intergenerational Trauma Healing, Ancestral Hypnotherapy

What you will learn
To decode the mental, emotional and physical issues into themes and patterns
To understand case-history taking for ancestral healing cases
To decode themes and patterns to hereditary patterns and emotions
Learn to conduct ancestral healing session
Why take this course?
🤝 Course Instructor: Anindya S Nag
📚 Course Headline: Heal thy Roots, Intergenerational Trauma Healing, Ancestral Hypnotherapy
Embark on a Journey of Healing...
Your Guide to Ancestral Healing Mastery 🌟
This course builds upon the foundational knowledge provided in the previous Ancestral Healing course for healers and extends precise techniques specifically tailored for Clinical Hypnotherapists adept at navigating the subconscious during hypnosis.
Module 1: Introduction to Advanced Ancestral Healing
- Skills of the Hypnotherapist: Understand how to identify ancestral threads that tie into client issues.
- Fast Induction Techniques: Learn a precise induction method to access subconscious content effectively.
- Ancestral Healing Structure Flowchart: A detailed guide to structuring an ancestral healing session.
- Healing Scripts: Downloadable scripts provided in Word format for clarity and revision before sessions.
Module 2: Navigating Ancestral Themes
This section delves into various themes you may encounter during healing sessions, with a focus on resolution techniques illustrated with case examples from my practice. The themes include:
- 🍣 Birth Order Themes: Addressing the impact of birth order on personality and behavior.
- 💰 Financial Struggle: Healing the financial anxieties rooted in ancestral experiences.
- 💕 Relationship Issues: Unraveling patterns of relational dynamics passed down through generations.
- 🏡 Adoption and Relocation Themes: Understanding the emotional complexities associated with adoption or significant relocations.
- 🌄 Land Karma: A special topic, with references to the 'Avatar 2' movie, discussing the integration of land karma and its impact on well-being.
Module 3: Basic Stages of Ancestral Healing
The scripts provided in the Introduction section are essential for grasping the process even before you engage with the content below. The topics discussed are:
- 🌐 Energy Exchange Process: Learn how to facilitate a healthy and balanced energy exchange between client and ancestor.
- Oaths, Vows, Curses, and Promises Release: Techniques for releasing binding agreements that may hinder healing.
- Black Magic Release: A critical stage where understanding the script is crucial before diving into this profound work.
Cautionary Notes: 🔮
Once you have absorbed this knowledge, it is imperative to apply it. Hoarding this information or succumbing to self-doubt can lead to spiritual turmoil. Ensure you heal yourself before attempting to heal others. Remember, engaging with this course opens portals for personal healing. Stay attuned to your dreams and practice regularly to deepen your understanding and skill set.
Embark on this transformative journey today and unlock the power of Advanced Ancestral Healing for Hypnotherapists. With Anindya S Nag as your guide, you'll gain the tools and insights necessary to facilitate profound healing for both yourself and your clients. 🌱✨



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