6 passi verso la salute e la guarigione

come ottenere salute, benessere e felicità attraverso 6 passi pratici

4.55 (319 reviews)
6 passi verso la salute e la guarigione
1 hour
Mar 2024
last update
regular price

What you will learn

Dopo il corso avrai più chiaro il modo per stare bene con te stesso e per affrontare al meglio le sfide della vita.

Capirai cosa ti rende felice e cosa é giusto fare per te

Comprenderai meglio i tuoi bisogni interiori

Attraverso gli esercizi farai chiarezza su di te e sul tuo stato di salute.

Why take this course?

Questo breve corso gratuito vuole guidarti alla consapevolezza di te stesso e dei passi necessari per ottenere una salute migliore.

Per salute si intende in una accezione che comprende tutto l'essere umano a 360 gradi, nella sua interezza, in una visione olistica, che cioè comprende chiaramente gli aspetti fisici, ma anche quelli emotivi e quelli psicologici.

Si, perchè se non viviamo felici non siamo in realtà in salute.

Se non ci occupiamo dei nostri bisogni più profondi, non siamo in vera salute.

In più, succede che sono proprio i nostri bisogni più profondi, quando vengono costantemente ignorati, a creare quegli squilibri interiori che creano poi la malattia.

Come dice la scienza, la maggior parte delle malattie è di origine psicosomatica, quindi la nostra psiche gioca un ruolo fondamentale.

Io non sono un medico, nè uno psicologo, quindi non parlerò di salute secondo l'approccio scientifico.

Sono un operatore olistico-energetico, quindi verrà trattato l'argomento secondo tale visione ed approccio.

Troverai esercizi pratici per poter migliorare te stesso e la tua vita.

Spero che questo piccolo corso possa darti informazioni preziose o, ancora meglio, smuovere qualcosa dentro di te e cominciare ad assumerti la responsabilità della tua salute.

Se vorrai poi approfondire le discipline energetiche, puoi fare riferimento ai miei corsi.

Ti auguro tanta, tantissima salute e felicità.

Our review

🌟 **Course Review: Comprehensive Analysis** 🌟 **Overview:** The course in question has garnered a solid average rating of 4.55 from recent reviews. The majority of students found the content interesting and reported that it provided them with valuable insights and practical exercises, particularly those related to personal growth, self-awareness, and emotional intelligence. **Pros:** - **Engaging Content:** Many reviewers highlighted the course's ability to cover intriguing topics that encourage reflection and self-improvement. - **Practical Exercises:** The hands-on exercises were widely praised for their usefulness in applying knowledge to real-life situations. - **Approachable Teaching Style:** The course was commended for presenting complex concepts in a clear and accessible manner, making the material digestible for learners of various backgrounds. - **Positive Impact:** Several students reported significant personal growth and a better understanding of their own behaviors and emotions as a result of the course. - **Enthusiasm and Passion:** A notable number of reviews mentioned that they found the course to be stimulating and appreciated the teacher's enthusiasm for the subject matter. **Cons:** - **Distractions in Audio:** Some students were distracted by background noise or the presence of other people in the video, which detracted from their learning experience. - **Teaching Exposure:** A few reviewers felt that certain complex concepts needed a more decisive and engaging presentation to maintain focus and clarity. - **Unfulfilled Expectations:** Some learners expected more concrete strategies and practical applications as advertised in the course title, feeling that some topics were addressed too superficially. - **Background Noise:** A recurring issue was the presence of background noise or voices, which was described as highly distracting and sometimes overpowered the instructor's voice. - **Misalignment with Course Objectives:** There were instances where the course content did not adequately align with the objectives set forth by the introductory video, leading to confusion among some learners. **Additional Notes:** - **Course Accessibility:** The course was appreciated for being available online and at no cost in some cases, providing a valuable resource for individuals looking to improve themselves without financial strain. - **Maestro Nardella's Influence:** A significant number of students specifically praised the instructor, Maestro Nardella, for his role as a true maestro, capable of explaining complex ideas in a way that is understandable and applicable to one's personal growth journey. **Final Thoughts:** Overall, this course is highly recommended for those looking to explore aspects of personal development and self-awareness. While there are some areas for improvement, particularly in terms of audio clarity and the depth of coverage on certain topics, the course's strengths far outweigh its weaknesses. The positive feedback from a majority of students speaks volumes about the quality and impact of this learning experience.



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