4 Practice Tests | Adobe Certified AEM DevOps Engineer

Prepare the Adobe Certified AEM DevOps AD0-E124 with latest and unique high-quality test questions

4.20 (17 reviews)
IT Certification
4 Practice Tests | Adobe Certified AEM DevOps Engineer
120 questions
Oct 2023
last update
regular price

What you will learn

Practice set for Adobe Experience Manager - DevOps certification exam

Practice set of AD0-E124

Practice set of AEM DevOps Engineer certification

Practice set of AD0-E124 Adobe Experience Manager DevOps Engineer

Why take this course?

The Adobe Certified Expert - Adobe Experience Manager DevOps Engineer exam preparation guide provides potential candidates with information they need to prepare for the certification exam.

Below are the syllabus covered in the practice sets.

Section 1: Configure Adobe Experience Manager (18%)

  • Determine the correct method to configure fundamental Adobe Experience Manager settings

  • Given a scenario, troubleshoot Adobe Experience Manager issues

  • Determine the correct method to configure OSGi

Section 2: Operate Cloud Manager and Cloud Manager API (20%)

  • Determine the correct method to manage Cloud Manager Environments settings via UI

  • Determine the correct method to provision programs and environments on Cloud Manager

  • Determine the correct method to migrate to Adobe Experience Manager as a Cloud Service

  • Determine the correct method to set up integrations on Adobe I/O

Section 3: Configure the web proxy infrastructure (12%)

  • Determine the correct method to manage Dispatcher configurations

  • Given a scenario, troubleshoot caching issues

Section 4: Build and deployments (28%)

  • Determine the correct method to manage Cloud Manager deployments

  • Given a scenario, analyze the state of a Cloud Manager pipeline

  • Determine the correct method to manage content packages across multiple Adobe Experience Manager instances

  • Determine the correct method to make changes to Maven files to support pipelines

Section 5: Monitor and report on quality metrics (14%)

  • Determine the correct method to collect performance metrics and reports

  • Determine the correct method to scale infrastructure

Section 6: Operate the Admin Console (8%)

  • Determine the correct method to submit a support request in the Admin Console

  • Determine the correct method to configure federated SSO and sync Adobe Experience Manager users and groups


April 1, 2023
all the exam questions are from AD0-E106 exam and rest are from adobe provided free ad0-e124 practice test. no use of it to pass real exam with these.



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