【IT批評家・尾原和啓が徹底解説】話題のChat GPT そして生成系AIの未来を紐解く

今話題のChat GPTが、日々のビジネスや生活にどのような変化をもたらすのか。デモンストレーションを交えながら、Chat GPTの歴史・基礎知識・ビジネスシーンでの活用法や今後人間に求められスキルの考察まで幅広くカバー!

4.20 (3405 reviews)
【IT批評家・尾原和啓が徹底解説】話題のChat GPT そして生成系AIの未来を紐解く
15 387
1 hour
Mar 2023
last update
regular price

What you will learn

Chat GPTとは何かの基本が説明できる

Chat GPTでできることを理解します

ビジネスでのChat GPTの使われ方を学びます



Why take this course?

🌟 课程名称: 【IT批评家・尾原和啓が徹底解説】话题的Chat GPT 及其生成系AI的未来

课程概述 🎉

课程头线: Chat GPT正在如何改变现代的商业和生活,我们将深入探索。在这个由Udemy日本团队推出的课程中,我们将通过实际的演示来详细了解Chat GPT的历史、基础知识、以及在商业场景中的应用,并探讨未来可能求要的技能。

课程内容 📚

講師紹介: 尾原和啓さん

  • 京都大学工学研究科応用システム専攻人工知能論講座修读。
  • マッキンゼー・アンド・カンパニー初期メンバー、キャリアをスタート。
  • 多年にわたる経験を持つ業界幹部、最新のIT企画家、投資家として活跡。
  • 新AI戦略検討委員会員、内閣府、経産省、対外通商政策委員等の諸任席を歴めた経験豊富な人物。
  • NHK「令和ネット論」で「DX」「メタバース・NFT」の専門家として活動。 ※本講座の内容は講師個人の見解に基づくものであり、どの組織とも一切関係ありません。

课程亮点 ✨

  • 实际演示: Chat GPT的功能与应用场景的直观展示。
  • 深入分析: 聊天机器人的历史及其技术原理的全面解析。
  • 商业视角: 如何在不同的商业场景中利用Chat GPT来提高效率和创新。
  • 未来展望: Chat GPT及生成系AI可能影响的长远潜力的探讨。
  • 实战技能: 了解哪些技能将在未来被Chat GPT等AI技术所要求。

学习目标 🎯

  • 理解Chat GPT和生成系AI的基础知识
  • 掌握Chat GPT在现代商业中的应用方式
  • 探索Chat GPT及其类似技术未来可能带来的变革
  • 发展必要的技能,以适应AI技术的快速发展

课程体系 📈

  1. Chat GPT简介: 它是什么?它如何工作?
  2. 历史沿革: Chat GPT的发展历程,包括GPT-1到GPT-3等版本的进化。
  3. 技术原理: Chat GPT背后的机器学习与自然语言处理技术。
  4. 商业应用: Chat GPT如何改变市场营销、客户服务、内容生成等领域。
  5. 未来展望: AI技术趋势及其对社会和工作的潜在影响。
  6. 个人发展: 如何在AI时代提升自己的市场竞争力。

加入我们,一起探索Chat GPT的奇妙世界!🌐

注意: Chat GPT是一个人工智能程序,能够生成文本、回答问题以及执行多种任务。在这个由尾原和啓さん主导的课程中,我们将深入了解Chat GPT及其在商业和日常生活中的应用,并探讨它如何影响未来。

课程注意事项: 本课程内容纯属教育性质,仅代表講師个人观点,与任何组织或机构无关。我们鼓励学员根据自己的实际情况来理解和应用这些知识。


【IT批評家・尾原和啓が徹底解説】話題のChat GPT そして生成系AIの未来を紐解く - Screenshot_01【IT批評家・尾原和啓が徹底解説】話題のChat GPT そして生成系AIの未来を紐解く - Screenshot_02【IT批評家・尾原和啓が徹底解説】話題のChat GPT そして生成系AIの未来を紐解く - Screenshot_03【IT批評家・尾原和啓が徹底解説】話題のChat GPT そして生成系AIの未来を紐解く - Screenshot_04

Our review

Overview of the Course: "Understanding and Utilizing Chat GPT and AI"

This course provides a comprehensive understanding of Chat GPT, a generative AI model developed by OpenAI, and its applications. It delves into the evolution of AI, particularly focusing on generative AI systems like Chat GPT, and how they can be leveraged for various tasks. The course also explores the future direction of AI and its implications for society.


  1. Comprehensive Introduction to AI: The course starts with a clear explanation of what Chat GPT is and how it functions, making complex concepts understandable even for beginners.

  2. Practical Application Focus: It emphasizes the practical application of AI in problem-solving and suggests that future challenges should be set rather than merely solving existing problems.

  3. Innovative Perspective: The course encourages a forward-looking approach to AI, suggesting that humans should focus on setting challenges, creative tasks, and entertainment as AI becomes more capable.

  4. Real-World Demonstration: Through demonstrations, the course shows how AI can serve as a supportive tool rather than a competitor, highlighting its role as an "optimistic" partner in tackling problems.

  5. Engaging Presentation Style: The course is presented in a way that keeps the audience engaged and curious, sparking interest in both the technology and its societal impact.

  6. Promotion of Positive Outlook: It promotes a positive view of AI, encouraging users to embrace new perspectives, challenge uncertainties, and anticipate future advancements with enthusiasm.


  1. Pace and Engagement: Some participants found the pace of the course too fast, especially in the first half, where they were expected to interact with Chat GPT simultaneously.

  2. Advanced Knowledge Assumed: The course assumes some prior knowledge or experience with programming, which may not be evident from the course description, potentially making it challenging for complete beginners.

  3. Emotional Engagement: While the course aims to emotionally engage participants, some may find it lacking in depth when it comes to discussing the societal implications of AI or providing specific, real-world case studies.

  4. Limited Interaction Opportunities: The course structure might limit the opportunities for participants to deeply engage with the material and each other, especially if they are not able to participate live or contribute to discussions.

Overall, the course is highly rated for its ability to make complex AI concepts accessible and for inspiring an optimistic outlook on the role of AI in the future. It encourages participants to think about how AI can be a positive force in their lives and work, and to approach new technologies with curiosity rather than fear.

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