
Google Cloud認定 Associate Cloud Engineer(ACE)合格コース

【最新サービス反映】Google Cloud認定試験への合格の近道!ハンズオンを通じて、実務への対応ができるコースです!

4.15 (846 reviews)
IT Certification
Google Cloud認定 Associate Cloud Engineer(ACE)合格コース
4 332
7.5 hours
Feb 2025
last update
regular price

What you will learn

Google Cloud認定アソシエイトクラウドエンジニア試験に最短合格

Google Cloudの主要サービスを理解

ハンズオンを通してGoogle Cloudが実際に使えるようになる

Google Cloud認定試験の傾向と対策ができる

Why take this course?

🌟 コースヘッドライン: Google Cloud認定 Associate Cloud Engineer(ACE)合格コース 🌟 TDMの高い評価を受けるMaruchin Techから、あなたの夢、そしてカリアにおいて大きく一助をするコースです!【最新サービス反映】Google Cloud認定試験への合格の近道!こちらは、実務での直面に対応するための、実践的なハンズオンを取り入れた、100%最新のコースです!

🚀 コース内容 🚀

  • はじめに: 本動画コースの使い方を簡単にご案内。🎬

  • Google Cloudとは: Google Cloudの概要やクラウド業界の現況を深く理解します。🌩️

  • 学習の進め方: Google Cloud認定試験の概要と効果的な勉強方法をご案内。🚀

  • Google Cloudをはじめよう: Google Cloudの基礎となる設計概念、ハンズオN用アカウントの作成を行います。🧑‍💻

  • 各種サービスの紹介 (※各章にハンズオンを挟みます):

    • マネジメント: IAMおよびマネジメントの紹介。🗝️
    • コンピューティング: Compute Engine, Kubernetes Engineなどのコンピュートサービスを学びます。💻
    • ストレージ: Cloud Storageの使用方法をマスターします。📂
    • ネットワーク: VPC/Subnet, DNS, CDN, 負荷分散などのネットワークサービスを理解します。🔗
    • データサービス: Cloud SQL, Cloud Spanner, BigTable, BigQuery. FireStore, Memorystoreなどのデータサービスに触れます。📊
    • AIと機械学習: AIツール、Vertex AIなどのAIツールを体験します。🤖
  • 問題解説: 実際に想定される試験問題を解き明かす瞬間!✨

  • まとめ: 学んだ知識をまとめ、最後の強化トレーニングを行います。🎯

このコースを完了することで、Google Cloud認定Associate Cloud Engineerの試験に向けた準備が整い、実務での技術的な対応ができる自信を持って歩くことが可能となります!


  • 6時間の動画コース: Google Cloudの主要サービスの紹介から、実践的なハンズオンまでを網羅。
  • 実務への対応: 試験だけでなく、日々の業務にも役立つ知識とスキルを身につけます。
  • 最新サービス対応: Google Cloudの最新サービスや機能に更新情報を常時反映。
  • 認定試験導入: Google Cloud认定試験への合格に必要な知識と試験対策を学びます。

あなたのキャリアに、Google Cloud認定Associate Cloud Engineerでの挙動を加える選択肢を見つけ出しませんか?これから始めるのは、Maruchin TechのGoogle Cloud認定 Associate Cloud Engineer(ACE)合格コース!🎓✨


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Our review

Based on the reviews provided, here is a structured summary of the course review for the Google Cloud Professional Certificate - Associate Engineer:

Overview: The course provides a comprehensive overview of Google Cloud Platform (GCP) services and products, which is particularly beneficial for individuals familiar with various cloud services or those preparing for the GCP Associate Engineer certification exam. The content is delivered in a compact and efficient manner, allowing for quick understanding of key concepts and comparison with other cloud providers.


  • Concise Content: The course effectively condenses necessary knowledge into a manageable format, making it an excellent resource for those seeking to prepare for the GCP Associate Engineer exam.
  • Exam Preparation: The course includes explanations of common issues faced during the exam, including how to approach questions and understand the choices provided.
  • Quality Instruction: The quality of instruction is high, with well-prepared slides and knowledgeable instructors who provide clear and comprehensive explanations.
  • Versatility: The course is suitable for learners at different levels, from beginners to those with some industry experience.
  • Responsive Support: The support team responded promptly to inquiries, which was highly beneficial during the learning process.


  • Minor Errors: There were a few instances of typos and incorrect information within the slides, such as an error in the explanation of bits per second (bps).
  • Depth of Content: While the course provides a good introduction to GCP, it may lack depth in some areas compared to the latest version of the certification exam.
  • Outdated Information: Some sections of the course material were slightly outdated and could benefit from an update to reflect the most current practices and features of GCP.
  • Examination Preparation: The course's approach to exam questions, especially at a more advanced level like the Cloud Digital Leader certification, may not be entirely clear, making it challenging for learners to apply what they've learned when taking the actual exam.
  • Resource Updates: There is a request for updated materials, particularly for the GCP problem set solutions that are aligned with the latest version of the official question set.

User Experience:

  • The course was described as easy to understand and beneficial for hands-on learning experiences.
  • Some users found the instructors' frequent use of phrases like "〇〇ですね" to be a bit repetitive.
  • Overall, users appreciated the course's effectiveness in preparing them for the GCP Associate Engineer certification exam, and some even went on to successfully complete the Cloud Digital Leader certification after completing this course.

In summary, the course is highly recommended for those starting their journey with GCP or preparing for the Associate Engineer certification exam. However, it is advised that users stay updated with the latest GCP features and exam updates to ensure full preparation for the certification test.



Google Cloud認定 Associate Cloud Engineer(ACE)合格コース - Price chart


Google Cloud認定 Associate Cloud Engineer(ACE)合格コース - Ratings chart

Enrollment distribution

Google Cloud認定 Associate Cloud Engineer(ACE)合格コース - Distribution chart
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