14 Day Weight Loss Challenge for Mind, Body and Soul

This 14 Day Challenge will create a solid foundation for permanent, gradual, fail-proof, weight loss program.

4.50 (10 reviews)
14 Day Weight Loss Challenge for Mind, Body and Soul
5.5 hours
Jun 2024
last update
regular price

What you will learn

Learn how to reverse the negative body image and self identity

Remove negative childhood programming that created your eating patterns and behaviours

Understand how to set up positive habits, exercise rituals, and healthy environments to maximise weight loss

Implement powerful weight loss tools and techniques for long-term weight loss

How to change your environment to live a healthy lifestyle and create a lean body

Lean which foods speed up weight loss and foods that hinder your health and body weight

Why take this course?

Based on the provided text, it seems like you're outlining a 14-day program aimed at helping individuals understand and overcome some of the psychological and physiological challenges associated with weight management, particularly during middle age. The program appears to be a blend of motivation, habit formation, detoxification, nutrition, exercise, and mental health strategies.

Here's a summary of the 14-day program with key focus areas for each day:

Week 1:

Day 1: Establish your motivation and purpose for losing weight. Understand what drives you to make this change.

Day 2: Build a foundation by analyzing your current eating habits and identifying any unhealthy patterns or influences that contribute to overeating or poor food choices.

Day 3: Focus on understanding the negative effects of toxins, sugar, and artificial sweeteners on your body and health. Determine which foods contain these elements and seek out healthier alternatives.

Day 4: Identify ways to detoxify your body to help with weight loss. Choose appropriate detox methods that suit your lifestyle.

Day 5: Implement 25 tips and habits for successful and permanent weight loss. Create a weekly habit checklist to keep track of your progress.

Day 6: Explore high-protein, nutritious foods and include them in your diet. Plan your grocery shopping list and prepare some high-protein recipes.

Day 7: Develop a meal plan based on healthy foods and recipes. Use imagination to find new ways to incorporate these foods into your diet.

Week 2:

Day 8: Establish positive exercise habits and rituals. Choose an exercise routine that you enjoy and can commit to regularly.

Day 9: Focus on the power of habits and systems to support your weight loss journey. Implement new daily habits that will aid in your success.

Day 10: Set up your environment to encourage healthy choices. Remove temptations and make it easier to stick to your new, healthier habits.

Day 11: Find inspiration through weight loss stories and successes. Share your own story to motivate yourself and others.

Day 12: Use visualization techniques to imagine a thinner, healthier you. Create a vision board or watch a visualization video to reinforce this image in your mind.

Day 13: Reprogram your mind with affirmations and meditate on healthy weight scripts to foster a positive self-image and a healthier relationship with food.

Day 14: Review the program, assess your progress, and make any necessary adjustments for continued success. Celebrate your achievements and prepare for the next steps in your journey toward a healthy weight.

This program emphasizes a holistic approach to weight loss by addressing both the physical and emotional aspects of eating habits and exercise routines. It's designed to be flexible and repeated as needed, with each day building upon the last to create lasting change. Remember, before starting any new diet or exercise regimen, it's important to consult with a healthcare professional, especially if you have any underlying health conditions.


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